Re: King Crimson

#988527  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 10.09.2003

Beiträge: 21,877

Mal zurück zum Thema:

In the Court of the Crimson King *****
In the Wake of Poseidon ****
Lizard *** 1/2
Islands ****
Earthbound [live] *** – ****
Larks‘ Tongues in Aspic **** 1/2
Starless and Bible Black **** 1/2
Red *****
USA [live] ****
Discipline ****
Beat ****
Three Of A Perfect Pair *** 1/2
Vrooom EP *** 1/2
Thrak *** 1/2
B’Boom [live] ***
Thrakattak [live] ****
Happy With What You Have to Be Happy With EP ***
The Power to Believe ****
The Great Deceiver Live 1973-1974 *****


Hey man, why don't we make a tune... just playin' the melody, not play the solos...