Startseite › Foren › Die Tonträger: Aktuell und Antiquariat › Replays: Neuauflagen, Deluxe- und erweiterte Editionen › Unterschätzte Dylan Platten › Re: Unterschätzte Dylan Platten
dieser thread ist eindeutig überschätzt. der mann kann doch nicht mal richtig singen.
man sollte auf solches nicht eingehen. nur soviel: nein.
wer so etwas sagt, hat ganz objektiv keine ahnung.
„His singing style has served as the primary inspiration for hundreds of performers, including such outstanding acts as Lou Reed and Jimi Hendrix. It’s just not what you’re going to expect. Unfortunately, people seem to be divided in two major groups here: those that get his singing and those that don’t. The first group (which includes your humble servant) think he’s a great singer, highly emotional and in a class of his own, using his vocal chords as a peculiar musical instrument all the time. The second group either thinks he’s talentless or, at the very best, that his songs always sounded better when sung by other performers. And nothing can change the opinions of either, and I do mean nothing – I’ve held numerous battles defending poor Mr Zimmerman from those who say they’d better go listen to their toilet flushing than put on a Dylan record. Whatever. I guess this has something to do with your genes after all. Nevertheless, it is always better to ‚get‘ something than ’not to get‘ it (this is my primary belief about art: always try to like it), so I say that if you don’t ‚get‘ Dylan there must be something wrong with your genes. Now feel free to flame me.