Re: The Band

#383621  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 25.01.2010

Beiträge: 68,341

Von Levon Helms FB-Seite:

Dear Friends,
Levon is in the final stages of his battle with cancer. Please send your prayers and love to him as he makes his way through this part of his journey. …

Thank you fans and music lovers who have made his life so filled with joy and celebration… he has loved nothing more than to play, to fill the room up with music, lay down the back beat, and make the people dance! He did it every time he took the stage…

We appreciate all the love and support and concern.
From his daughter Amy, and wife Sandy

Verdammte Kacke!
Was hätte ich Lust, „The Last Waltz“ wieder im Kino sehen zu können!


"Don't play what the public want. You play what you want and let the public pick up on what you doin' -- even if it take them fifteen, twenty years." (Thelonious Monk) | Meine Sendungen auf Radio StoneFM: gypsy goes jazz, #161: David Murray - 11.3., 22:00 | Slow Drive to South Africa, #8: tba | No Problem Saloon, #30: tba