Antwort auf: Beste Alben des Jahres 1958

#12090093  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 10.09.2003

Beiträge: 21,560

Meine damalige Annahme, dass das Album Ende 1958 erschienen ist, habe ich dem Goldmine JAPG entnommen. Januar 1959 ist aber wahrscheinlich der Veröffentlichungsmonat. Hier ein weiterer Hinweis vom LondonJazzCollector.

Recorded on October 30,1958, and according to Fred Cohen from Schwann catalogue dates, released in “November 1958”. November is too soon for the release date to be credible – two to three months was the normal production cycle, so in early 1959 at best. Schwann announced things intended to happen, not actually when it actually happened.

Covers manufactured in late 1958 or very early 1959 likely predated Incorporation, which occured at some point unknown in 1959, so no “Inc”.

I think this was one of the more sales succesful titles at the time, so it is quite likely the original pressing run (2,500?) was supplemented by additional pressing, which required a fresh batch of covers manufactured, by which time Incorporation had been added to the standard corporate boilerplate.

All of this could have occured within 1959, all purchased “as new” in 1959, which would explain the cover differences.

LJC – Consulting Vinyl Detective.



Hey man, why don't we make a tune... just playin' the melody, not play the solos...