Antwort auf: Eloy

#11560443  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 17.05.2008

Beiträge: 19,699

Eloy (1971) *** (16)
Inside (1973) ***** (3)
Floating (1974) ****1/2 (4)
Power And The Passion (1975) ***** (2)
Dawn (1976) ***** (1)
Ocean (1977) **** (6)
Silent Cries And Mighty Echoes (1979) ****1/2- (5)
Colours (1980) **** (8)
Planets (1981) ***+ (15)
Time To Turn (1982) ****- (10)
Performance (1983) *** (17)
Metromania (1984) **+ (19)
Ra (1988) ***+ (14)
Destination (1992) ***1/2 (12)
The Tides Return Forever (1994) ****- (11)
Ocean 2 – The Answer (1998) **** (7)
Visionary (2009) ****- (9)
The Vision, The Sword And The Pyre (Part 1) (2017) ***- (18)
The Vision, The Sword And The Pyre (Part 2) (2019) ***1/2 (13)


There is a green hill far away I'm going back there one fine day. I am free because I am the soul bird