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Mal wieder was neues zum Seitenstrang Kirtland Bradford und der Geschichte des Jimmie Lunceford Saxophonsatzes, anschliessend hier und hier. Unten ist eine lange Liste von Lunceford Lineups aus den Listen von reisenden Musikern, die von den lokalen Gewerkschaften im International Musician gesammelt wurden, teilweise ergaenzt durch Infos aus Downbeat… Also: die Lunceford Band ist in Reno Nevada oder Milwaukee oder sonstwo und dann musste wer ein Formular ausfuellen und all die Namen an eine zentrale Stelle schicken… entsprechend sind wohl einige Wochen Verzoegerung in den Infos, und es ist auch nicht immer ganz klar, wo jetzt eine Band aufhoert und die naechste beginnt… In der Regel beginnt es mit Lunceford und endet mit den Saengern, und dann kommt die naechste Band, also, wenn da „William Basie“ steht, weiss man, dass Lunceford jetzt vermutlich vorbei ist… aber auch nicht immer… Ich hab jedenfalls die Saenger ueberwiegend weggelassen, die Instrumente ergaenzt und folgendes Bild bekommen, Interpretation im naechsten Post…
tp: Eugene Young, Paul F. Webster, Gerald Wilson
tb: Russell Bowles, Elmer Crumbley, James (Trummy) Young
sax: Joe Thomas, Willie Smith, Earl Carruthers, Ted Buckner
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: Albert Norris
b: Moses Allen
dr: James Crawford
voc: Dan Grissom
tp: Eugene Young, Gerald Wilson, ?
tb: Russell Bowles, Elmer Crumbley, James (Trummy) Young
sax: Joe Thomas, Willie Smith, Earl Carruthers, Ted Buckner
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: Albert Norris
b: Moses Allen
dr: James Crawford
voc: Dan Grissom
tp: Eugene Young, Paul F. Webster, Gerald Wilson
tb: Russell Bowles, Elmer Crumbley, James (Trummy) Young
sax: Joe Thomas, Willie Smith, Earl Carruthers, Ted Buckner
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: Albert Norris
b: Moses Allen
dr: James Crawford
voc: Dan Grissom
tp: Eugene Young, Gerald Wilson, Chuck Peterson??
tb: Russell Bowles, Elmer Crumbley, James (Trummy) Young
sax: Joe Thomas, Willie Smith, Earl Carruthers, Ted Buckner
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: Albert Norris
b: Moses Allen
dr: James Crawford
voc: Dan Grissom
tp: Eugene Young, Gerald Wilson, Paul Webster
tb: Russell Bowles, Elmer Crumbley, James (Trummy) Young
sax: Joe Thomas, Willie Smith, Earl Carruthers, Ted Buckner
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: Albert Norris
b: Moses Allen
dr: James Crawford
voc: ?
tp: Eugene Young, Gerald Wilson, ??
tb: Russell Bowles, Elmer Crumbley, James (Trummy) Young
sax: Joe Thomas, Willie Smith, Earl Carruthers, Ted Buckner
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: Albert Norris
b: Moses Allen
dr: James Crawford
voc: Dan Grissom
May 1942, Downbeat: Lunceford fires Moses Allen, Dan Grissom, Snooky Young, Gerald Wilson, Elmer Crumbley, Ted Buckner
August 1942, Downbeat first announces Kirtland Bradford as replacement for Willie Smith (but this doesn’t materalize and apparently Dan Grissom plays lead alto for a while)
tp: Paul Webster, Freddie Webster, Bob Mitchell, Harry Jackson
tb: Russell Bowles, James (Trummy) Young, Fernando Arbello
sax: Joe Thomas, Earl Carruthers, Omer Simeon, Benny Waters
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: Albert Norris
b: Charles Parham
dr: James Crawford
voc: Dan Grissom
01/1943 (lineup reviewed in Downbeat 15 November 1942)
tp: Paul Webster, Freddie Webster, Bob Mitchell, Harry Jackson
tb: Russell Bowles, James (Trummy) Young, Fernando Arbello
sax: Theodore McRea, Earl Carruthers, Omer Simeon, Benny Waters
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: Albert Norris
b: Charles Parham
dr: James Crawford
voc: Dan Grissom
tp: Paul Webster, Freddie Webster, Bob Mitchell, Harry Jackson
tb: Russell Bowles, James (Trummy) Young, Fernando Arbello
sax: Joe Thomas, Earl Carruthers, Omer Simeon, Benny Waters
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: Albert Norris
b: Charles Parham
dr: James Crawford
voc: Dan Grissom
04/1943 (?? seems to belong here)
tp: Paul Webster, Bob Mitchell, Freddie Webster, Harry Jackson
tb: Russell Bowles, Fernando Arbello, James Young
sax: Joe Thomas, Earl Carruthers, Omer Simeon, Ted Hulbert
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: Albert Norris
b: Charles Parham
dr: Joe Marshall
voc: Dan Grissom
Downbeat July 1943: Lunceford replaces Dan Grissom’s lead alto himself…
Downbeat August 1943: Kirtland Bradford replaces Dan Grissom…
02/1944 (?? some gaps)
tp: Paul Webster, Bob Mitchell, William Scott
tb: Russell Bowles, Fernando Arbello, John Ewing, Earl Hardy
sax: Joe Thomas, Earl Carruthers, Omer Simeon, Kirtland Bradford
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: Albert Norris
b: Charles Parham
dr: Joe Marshall
tp: Paul Webster, Bob Mitchell, William Scott, Melvin Moore
tb: Russell Bowles, Fernando Arbello, John Ewing, Earl Hardy
sax: Joe Thomas, Earl Carruthers, Omer Simeon, Kirtland Bradford, Ernest Purce
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: Albert Norris
b: Charles Parham
dr: Joe Marshall
tp: Russell Green, Bob Mitchell, William Scott, Melvin Moore
tb: Russell Bowles, Fernando Arbello, Earl Hardy
sax: Joe Thomas, Earl Carruthers, Omer Simeon, Chauncey Jarrett, Ernest Purce
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: Albert Norris
b: Charles Parham
dr: Joe Marshall
tp: Russell Green, Bob Mitchell, William Scott, Melvin Moore
tb: Russell Bowles, Fernando Arbello, Earl Hardy
sax: Joe Thomas, Earl Carruthers, Omer Simeon, Chauncey Jarrett, Ernest Purce
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: Albert Norris
b: Charles Parham
dr: Joe Marshall
06/1944 Downbeat mentions
tb: Russell Bowles, Fernando Arbello, Earl Hardy, John Ewing
sax: Joe Thomas, Earl Carruthers, Omer Simeon, Chauncey Jarrett, Ernest Purce
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
b: Charles Parham
tp: Paul Webster, Bob Mitchell, William Scott
tb: Russell Bowles, Fernando Arbello, Earl Hardy, John Ewing
sax: Joe Thomas, Earl Carruthers, Omer Simeon, Kirtland Bradford, Ramon Usera (?)
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: Albert Norris
b: Charles Parham
dr: Joe Marshall
08/1944 (probably before the previous one)
tp: Russell Green, Bob Mitchell, William Scott
tb: Russell Bowles, Fernando Arbello, Earl Hardy, John Ewing
sax: Joe Thomas, Earl Carruthers, Omer Simeon, Chauncey Jarrett, Ernest Purce
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: Albert Norris
b: Charles Parham
dr: Joe Marshall
tp: Russell Green, Bob Mitchell, Rostelle Reese, Lester Currant
tb: Russell Bowles, Fernando Arbello, Earl Hardy, James Williams
sax: Joe Thomas, Earl Carruthers, Omer Simeon, Kirtland Bradford
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: John Mitchell
b: Charles Parham
dr: Joe Marshall
tp: Russell Green, Bob Mitchell, William Scott, Charles Stewart
tb: Russell Bowles, Fernando Arbello, Al King, Willie Tompkins
sax: Joe Thomas, Earl Carruthers, Omer Simeon, Kirtland Bradford, William Horner
p: Edwin F. Wilcox
g: John Mitchell
b: Charles Parham
dr: Joe Marshall