Startseite › Foren › Fave Raves: Die definitiven Listen › „Sterne an“ – das nüchterne Bewertungsforum › Track by Track: Alben unter der Lupe › The Smiths – Strangeways Here We Come
1. Rush and a push and the land is ours ****1/2
2. I started something I couldn't finish ****1/2
3. Death of a disco dancer *****
4. Girlfriend in a coma ****1/2
5. Stop me if you think you've heard this one before ****
6. Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me *****
7. Unhappy birthday ***1/2
8. Paint a vulgar picture ***
9. Death at one's elbow ***1/2
10. I won't share you ****1/2--
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Werbung1. A Rush and a push and the land is ours ****
2. I started something I couldn't finish ****1/2
3. Death of a disco dancer ****1/2
4. Girlfriend in a coma ****1/2
5. Stop me if you think you've heard this one before *****
6. Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me *****
7. Unhappy birthday ****1/2
8. Paint a vulgar picture ****
9. Death at one's elbow ***1/2
10. I won't share you *****Schnitt 4,45
Zweitbestes Album der Smiths
Lately I've been seeing things / They look like they float at the back of my head room[/B] [/SIZE][/FONT]1. Rush and a push and the land is ours ****1/2
2. I started something I couldn't finish *****
3. Death of a disco dancer *****
4. Girlfriend in a coma *****
5. Stop me if you think you've heard this one before *****
6. Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me *****
7. Unhappy birthday *****
8. Paint a vulgar picture *****
9. Death at one's elbow ****1/2
10. I won't share you *****--
"I know a few groovy middle-aged people, but not many." Keith Richards 19661. A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours ****
2. I Started Something I Couldn't Finish **** 1/2
3. Death Of A Disco Dancer ****
4. Girlfriend In A Coma *****
5. Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before *****
6. Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me *****
7. Unhappy Birthday ****
8. Paint A Vulgar Picture ***
9. Death At One's Elbow *** 1/2
10. I Won't Share You *****Macht insgesamt (wenn auch knapp und dazu noch extrem aufgerundet) viereinhalb Sterne.
„Kreuzberg ist so hart, dass sogar die Steine sagen: Wir sind zu weich für die Strasse. So hart ist Kreuzberg.“ (Catee)
AnonymInaktivRegistriert seit: 01.01.1970
Beiträge: 0
1. A Rush and a push and the land is ours *****
2. I started something I couldn't finish *** 1/2
3. Death of a disco dancer ***
4. Girlfriend in a coma ****
5. Stop me if you think you've heard this one before *****
6. Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me *****
7. Unhappy birthday ****1/2
8. Paint a vulgar picture ****
9. Death at one's elbow ***1/2
10. I won't share you *****--
1. A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours ****1/2
2. I Started Something I Couldn’t Finish *****
3. Death Of A Disco Dancer ****1/2
4. Girlfriend In A Coma *****
5. Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before *****
6. Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me *****
7. Unhappy Birthday ***1/2
8. Paint A Vulgar Picture ****1/2
9. Death At One’s Elbow **1/2
10. I Won’t Share You ****1/2Macht insgesamt viereinhalb Sterne.
Es gibt 2 Arten von Menschen: Die einen haben geladene Revolver, die anderen buddeln.Originally posted by Wischmop@9 Jan 2005, 14:03
5. Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before *****
Mein absoluter Favorit davon. B) :)
Ansonsten das Album klar *****.--
Jetzt schon 62 Jahre Rock 'n' RollA rush and a push and the land is ours *****
I started something I couldn’t finish *****
Death of a disco dancer ****
Girlfriend in a coma ****
Stop me if you think you’ve heard this one before ****
Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me *****
Unhappy birthday ****
Paint a vulgar picture ****1/2
Death at one’s elbow ***1/2
I won’t share you ****Gesamtwertung: ****1/2
…und ihr zweitbestes Album.
there's room at the top they are telling you still but first you must learn how to smile as you killA rush and a push and the land is ours *****
I started something I couldn’t finish ****1/2
Death of a disco dancer ****
Girlfriend in a coma ****1/2
Stop me if you think you’ve heard this one before ****1/2
Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me *****
Unhappy birthday ****
Paint a vulgar picture *****
Death at one’s elbow ***
I won’t share you ****Gesamt: ****1/2, zweitbestes Smiths Album nach The Queen is dead.
Im Durchschnitt ist man kummervoll und weiß nicht, was man machen soll1. A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours **** 1/2
2. I Started Something I Couldn’t Finish ****
3. Death Of A Disco Dancer **** 1/2
4. Girlfriend In A Coma *****
5. Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before *****
6. Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me **** 1/2
7. Unhappy Birthday ****
8. Paint A Vulgar Picture ****
9. Death At One’s Elbow *** 1/2
10. I Won’t Share You **** 1/2Insgesamt **** 1/2
That's not the electric light, my friend, that is your vision growing dim.A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours *****
I Started Something I Couldn’t Finish ****1/2
Death Of A Disco Dancer *****
Girlfriend In A Coma *****
Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before *****
Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me *****
Unhappy Birthday *****
Paint A Vulgar Picture ****1/2
Death At One’s Elbow *** 1/2
I Won’t Share You *****ganz großer wurf :liebe:
Heavy metal iz a poze, hardt rock iz a leifschteil A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours * * * *
2. I Started Something I Couldn’t Finish * * * * 1/2
3. Death Of A Disco Dancer * * * *
4. Girlfriend In A Coma * * * * *
5. Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before * * * * 1/2
6. Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me * * * * 1/2
7. Unhappy Birthday * * * * 1/2
8. Paint A Vulgar Picture * * * *
9. Death At One’s Elbow * * *
10. I Won’t Share You * * * *Insgesamt: * * * * 1/2
1. A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours * * * *
2. I Started Something I Couldn’t Finish ****
3. Death Of A Disco Dancer ****1/2
4. Girlfriend In A Coma *****
5. Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before *****
6. Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me ****1/2
7. Unhappy Birthday *****
8. Paint A Vulgar Picture ****1/2
9. Death At One’s Elbow ***1/2
10. I Won’t Share You ****--
1. A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours *****
2. I Started Something I Couldn’t Finish ****1/2
3. Death Of A Disco Dancer ****
4. Girlfriend In A Coma *****
5. Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before ****1/2
6. Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me *****
7. Unhappy Birthday ****1/2
8. Paint A Vulgar Picture ***1/2
9. Death At One’s Elbow ***1/2
10. I Won’t Share You ****1/2Gesamt ****1/2
Gewinnen ist nicht alles, gewinnen ist das einzige.01. A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours ****
02. I Started Something I Couldn’t Finish ****1/2
03. Death Of A Disco Dancer *****
04. Girlfriend In A Coma ****
05. Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before ***1/2
06. Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me *****
07. Unhappy Birthday *****
08. Paint A Vulgar Picture ****
09. Death At One’s Elbow ***1/2
10. I Won’t Share You ****Song-Durchschnitt: 4,25 (****1/2)
Ja, die war ziemlich gut.
. -
Schlagwörter: The Smiths
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