The Jam on 45

Ansicht von 8 Beiträgen - 1 bis 8 (von insgesamt 8)
  • Autor
  • #77301  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 22.03.2007

    Beiträge: 11,762

    „Going Underground“ * * * * *
    „Start!“ * * * *
    „That’s Entertainment“ * * * *
    „Absolute Beginners“ * * * *
    „Town Called Malice“ / „Precious“ * * * * / * * * *


    Highlights von
    #8122569  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 22.03.2007

    Beiträge: 11,762


    „Going Underground“ * * * * *
    „Start!“ * * * *
    „That’s Entertainment“ * * * *
    „Funeral Pyre“ * * * *
    „Absolute Beginners“ * * * *
    „Town Called Malice“ * * * *
    „Just Who Is The 5 O’clock Hero“ * * * 1/2
    „The Bitterest Pill (I Ever Had To Swallow)“ * * * 1/2
    „Beat Surrender“ * * * *


    #8122571  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.07.2002

    Beiträge: 4,778

    In The City *****
    All Around The World *****
    The Modern World ****1/2
    News Of The World ***1/2
    David Watts *****
    Down In The Tubestation At Midnight *****
    Strange Town *****
    When You’re Young *****
    The Eton Rifles *****
    Going Underground *****
    Start! ****1/2
    Funeral Pyre ****1/2
    Absolute Beginners ****
    Town Called Malice *****
    The Bitterest Pill (I Ever Had To Swallow) ****1/2
    Beat Surrender *****


    "I know a few groovy middle-aged people, but not many." Keith Richards 1966
    #8122573  | PERMALINK

    maximum rhythm & blues

    Registriert seit: 09.07.2002

    Beiträge: 40,412

    Bin da ganz nah beim Mover! David Watts würde ich einen halben wegnehmen und ihn Absolute Beginners geben, aber sonst passts.


    Staring at a grey sky, try to paint it blue - Teenage Blue
    #10094159  | PERMALINK

    maximum rhythm & blues

    Registriert seit: 09.07.2002

    Beiträge: 40,412

    In The City 7″ *****
    All Around The World 7″ *****
    News Of The World 7″ ****1/2
    The Modern World 7″ ****1/2
    Down In The Tubestation At Midnight 7″ *****
    Strange Town 7″ *****
    When You’re Young 7″ *****
    The Eton Rifles 7″ *****
    Going Underground 7″ *****
    Start! 7″ *****
    4 Side Affects 12″ *****
    Funeral Pyre 7″ ****1/2
    Absolute Beginners 7″, 12″ *****
    Town Called Malice 7″ *****
    Town Called Malice (Live)/ Precious (Extended Version) 12″ *****
    Just Who’s The 5 O’Clock Hero 7″, 12″ *****
    The Bitterest Pill (I Ever Had To Swallow) 12″ *****
    Beat Surrender 7″, Do-7″, 12″ *****
    The Jam Live! EP 7″ ****1/2
    The Dreams Of Children / Away From The Numbers (live), The Modern World (live) 12″ *****


    Staring at a grey sky, try to paint it blue - Teenage Blue
    #10094229  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.07.2002

    Beiträge: 4,778

    midnight-moverIn The City *****
    All Around The World *****
    The Modern World ****1/2
    News Of The World ***1/2
    David Watts *****
    Down In The Tubestation At Midnight *****
    Strange Town *****
    When You’re Young *****
    The Eton Rifles *****
    Going Underground *****
    Start! ****1/2
    Funeral Pyre ****1/2
    Absolute Beginners ****
    Town Called Malice *****
    The Bitterest Pill (I Ever Had To Swallow) ****1/2
    Beat Surrender *****

    Da ist dann wohl mal ein Update fällig:

    In The City *****
    All Around The World *****
    The Modern World *****
    News Of The World ***1/2
    David Watts *****
    Down In The Tubestation At Midnight *****
    Strange Town *****
    When You’re Young *****
    The Eton Rifles *****
    Going Underground *****
    Start! *****
    Funeral Pyre *****
    Absolute Beginners ****1/2
    Town Called Malice *****
    The Bitterest Pill (I Ever Had To Swallow) *****
    Beat Surrender *****

    zuletzt geändert von midnight-mover


    "I know a few groovy middle-aged people, but not many." Keith Richards 1966
    #10094465  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 21.06.2016

    Beiträge: 41,249

    Endlich erreicht auch mal „Pill“ die Bestmarke…………………….


    Jokerman. Jetzt schon 70 Jahre Rock 'n' Roll
    #11861351  | PERMALINK

    dial 45-41-000

    Registriert seit: 19.03.2004

    Beiträge: 20,466

    In The City * * * *
    All Around The World * * * ½
    The Modern World * * * *
    News Of The World * * *
    David Watts / ‚A‘ Bomb In Wardour Street * * * ½ / * * * *
    Down In The Tube Station At Midnight * * * * *
    Strange Town * * * *
    When You’re Young * * * *
    The Eton Rifles * * * * ½
    Going Underground * * * * ½
    Start! * * * ½
    That’s Entertainment * * * * *
    Funeral Pyre * * * * ½
    Absolute Beginners * * * *
    Town Called Malice * * * *
    Just Who Is The 5 O’Clock Hero? * * * ½
    The Bitterest Pill (I Ever Had To Swallow) * * * * ½
    Beat Surrender * * * *

    1. That’s Entertainment
    2. Down In The Tube Station At Midnight
    3. Going Underground
    4. The Eton Rifles
    5. Funeral Pyre
    6. The Bitterest Pill (I Ever Had To Swallow)
    7. Town Called Malice
    8. Strange Town
    9. In The City
    10. The Modern World
    11. When You’re Young
    12. Beat Surrender
    13. Absolute Beginners
    14. All Around The World
    15. David Watts / ‚A‘ Bomb In Wardour Street
    16. Start!
    17. Just Who Is The 5 O’Clock Hero?
    18. News Of The World


    God told me to do it.
Ansicht von 8 Beiträgen - 1 bis 8 (von insgesamt 8)

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