Re: MATANA ROBERTS – Coin Coin Chapter Three, River Run Thee

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#9321907  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 30.06.2007

Beiträge: 7,560

In der Zwischenzeit kann man die Wartezeit bis zum Album-Release damit verkürzen, Matana’s tumblr-account zu folgen. Sie lebt seit einigen Wochen auf einem (Haus-)Boot in Brooklyn und führt als „boatafloatbrooklyn“ ein interessantes Tagebuch. Vor kurzem hat sie dort einige Zeilen zum neuen Album geschrieben:

„… the new record. some folks asking why solo? the solo configurations have been a developing part of the series almost since its inception. If I were releasing the series in true order, the solo “chapters” would have shown up at the very start and the very end. But i have decided i will not be releasing the series in the original order. No point in that really. The series is set up in a way though, to challenge myself as composer and improviser. The solo segments deal most with my interest in the battle of low tech vs hi, in the 21st century, messing around with my obsession with ephemera, collage aesthetic, moving image + sound. They are the most personal of the series in a way…. I create video scores for the solo work to use in the live sound experiments/performances but in a very lofi way. I’m not interested in putting together a slick overall art sound/hi tech thing for the series. I am a lo fi punk craftswoman at heart and that is where my heart will stay, and that is where at what point the work will always begin from….
As an aside leading solo work is a lot less stressful than leading my bands. I love my coin coin bands so much, but being a “band leader” is very different from being in a “band” and the pressure that being a band leader puts on me, someone who does not have traditional music industry support set up makes it really hard. I mean you have to expect something will go wrong, but you also have to place respectful limits…..“


When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?