Re: Songs über die unerfüllte Liebe

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#8007337  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 09.01.2011

Beiträge: 546

The Fatima Mansions – Walk Yr Way

You made of me an outcast
A suitcase-dwelling shell
You made of mine a heart of stone
which you dropped down a bottomless well
Well, fair enough,
but just don’t call it love
when it was just lust for blood
and by the way, „get out“ just means „get out“ to me

I will walk yr way
Debts of the world are not mine to pay
so I will walk yr way

Bei Interesse PN an mich.


Rubyhorse – Fell On Bad Days [url href=]klick


We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when...