Re: The Cure

#798769  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 14.08.2009

Beiträge: 13,512

ich zitier mal aus Roger O’Donnell’s Newsletter:

Many times over the last few years I wondered and have often been asked „would you play again with The Cure“ .. There were times I was sad and some times bitter and said stupid things. When you love somebody/something as much as I have loved The Cure those times will always of course be difficult, breaking up is awful. My love for the band and the music always said yes to the answer though. The last thing Robert and I said on that phone call in 2005 was „never say never“…

When Robert sent me the email I did think about everything, what it would mean, losses, gains. How it would feel emotionally. I had a few sleepless nights over it but in the end I knew it was right. To be asked back to play on this incredibly special occasion is amazing. I don’t know about any other plans of the band, what they are doing, where they are playing and I will enjoy this whole project without any preconceptions or doubts…

The whole thing is going to be filmed by the same team that did Trilogy so you will all be able to see. I have been working on the songs for the past few weeks and was relieved when they all came back like old friends.

hier stehen mittlerweile die Details, Smith/Gallup/Cooper für Three Imaginary Boys, Roger O’Donnell dazu für 17 Seconds und Faith, Lol Tolhurst für Faith… was irgendwie darauf hindeutet, dass Porl Thompson die Band zum dritten Mal verlassen hat, auch wenn das nirgends steht (?)…

