Re: Bill Evans

#7897493  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 14.08.2009

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weiß nicht, ich find das Interview hat echt Stellen, da denkt man, man liest nicht recht, also von der Art wie es geführt ist…

JW: Did you ever fight?
LV: Never. Actually, I take that back. We had one moment when he was very upset with me.
JW: What happened?
LV: He asked me to do something for him that I refused to do.
JW: What?

JW: Was it frustrating not being able to extract Evans from his drug habit?
LV: Given our age difference, I wasn’t trying to influence or control his life. I knew that the only thing I could do for him was to be there emotionally, to observe and help if something was beyond his control. I was there to cover for him.
JW: That seems a little distant and detached.

