Re: The Charlatans – Who We Touch

#7671353  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 10.07.2010

Beiträge: 2

Produced by Youth (Paul McCartney, Primal Scream, The Verve) and recorded at Britannia Row in London (New Order’s ‚Blue Monday‘), ‚Who We Touch‘ must surely rank as their boldest to date radically broadening, in places, their aesthetic remit. It is, says Burgess, ‚a soulful voyage‘, a journey through moods uplifting and profound, dark and delirious, ultimately concluding in blissful optimism.Its sound is inspired by many heroes, yet always sounds like no-one other than The Charlatans themselves. Featuring the single, ‚Love Is Ending‘, other highlights include ‚Oh!‘, a beautiful song of reconciliation, as complex as its shifting time signatures; ‚You Can Swim‘, an exquisite ooze of ambience, reminiscent of ‚Another Green World‘-era Eno. Lurking at the end of the album are Two Hidden Tracks ‚On The Threshold‚ & ‚Sing The Body Eclectic‚.

The Charlatans Discography
The Charlatans Lyrics

