Re: Chronological Coltrane

#7658455  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 14.08.2009

Beiträge: 13,947

na dann… grad gesehen, dass John Wilson’s Jazzlexikon von 1959 hier gelesen werden kann und dachte ich zitier uns mal direkt den Coltrane Artikel…

John Coltrane. Although he has been in jazz since the middle Forties, Coltrane suddenly lurched into the throes of attempting to find his own personal jazz voice in the latter Fifties. The search has apparently been a tortured and frustrating one, judging by the garish performances Coltrane has given. As of this writing, it is still unresolved. He often plays his tenor saxophone as though he were determined to blow it apart but his desperate attacks almost invariably lead nowhere. He has moments when he adjusts to a warmer, more communicative style, as in his unusual treatment of a ballad, While My Lady Sleeps, on Coltrane, Prestige 7105. But even though his hard, fierce tone slashes through a disk like an urgent hacksaw, he constantly finds himself overshadowed by others by Lee Morgan’s fantastic trumpet excursions on Blue Train, Blue Note 1577, by Red Garland’s lean, swinging piano on With the Red Garland Trio, Prestige 7123, and John Coltrane, Prestige 7142. Neither Coltrane nor three other tenors (Al Cohn, Zoot Sims, Hank Mobley) can make anything of the wide open blowing spaces on Tenor Conclave, Prestige 7074.

gut gesehen, dass die Suche noch nicht zu Ende war (ansonsten macht der Artikel wohl keine gute Werbung für das Buch, es ist alles in allem gar nicht so schlecht, grad was die erste Hälfte der 50er betrifft)
edit: nachdem ich das Buch gründlicher überflogen hab: es ist sehr unterhaltsam, der Mann ist ein bißchen bösartig, aber es ist definitiv interessant zu lesen… für biografische Informationen muss man anderswo gucken, es sind in erster Linie kurze Rezensionen, noch eine Kostprobe aus dem Waldron Artikel:

„On […] Wheelin‘ and Dealin‘ [..] Waldron is an oasis of rationality in what is otherwise [..] a desert of empty solos.“

