Re: Some Velvet Morning

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#6436169  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 21.01.2008

Beiträge: 5,119

SVM Smog/Bill Callhan Special 2009-04-10:

01 Bill Callahan- All thoughts are prey to some beast
02 Smog- Spanish mosh
03 Smog- Chosen one
04 Smog- Goldfish bowl
05 Smog- All your women things
06 Smog- Blood red bird
07 Smog- To be use of
08 Smog- Cold discovery (Peel session)
09 Esquerita- Please come on home
10 Leichtmatrose- Herztransplantation
11 Smog- Devotion
12 Smog- Our anniversary
13 Smog – Say valley maker
14 Smog- Rock bottom riser
15 Smog- I feel like the mother of the world
16 Bill Callahan- Night
17 Bill Callahan- Eid ma clack shaw
18 Bill Callahan- The wind and the dove
19 Smog- In the pines
20 Smog- I´m new here
21 Bill Callahan- Faith/Void
