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Vorläufige Top 20 Some Velvet Morning 2008:
1. Vampire Weekend- Vampire Weekend
2. Benoit Pioulard- Temper (untergegangene Perle des Jahres 2008)
3. The Miserable Rich- 12 ways to count
4. Kelli Ali- The rocking horse
5. Wedding Present- El rey
6. Glasvegas- Glasvegas
7. Scarlett Johansson- Anywhere i lay my hat
8. Nervous Nellie- Ego and the id
9. Stephen Malkmus- Real emotional trash
10. John Dear Mowling Club- John Dear Mowling Club
11. William Fitzsimmons- The sparrow and the crow
12. Johann Johannsson- Fordlandia
13. MGMT – Oracular Spectacular
14. Jonas Reinhardt- Jonas Reinhardt
15. Elbow – The Seldom Seen Kid
16. Coldplay – Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends
17. OST- Into the wild
18. The Killers – Day And Age
19. Last Shadow Puppets- The age of understatement
20. These New Puritans- Beat pyramid