Startseite › Foren › Die Tonträger: Aktuell und Antiquariat › Aktuelle Platten › 2008 – Erwartungen und Eindrücke › Re: 2008 – Erwartungen und Eindrücke
nail75Ach, wie hübsch. Ich wusste gar nicht, dass Vampire auf „Graceland“ stehen
laut ist’s so:
Are you all in to African music?
EK: Yeah, but Chris the most.CT: I just go record shopping all the time and I grab these weird African compilations. You might not necessarily know who all the people are but it’s always really good. It’s almost entirely in major keys and using only three chords, but with the percussion it’s always really really good. I haven’t been disappointed yet.
Dirty, dirty feet from the concert in the grass / I wanted to believe that freedom there could last (Willy Mason)