Re: Sun Ra

#5165793  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 14.08.2009

Beiträge: 13,590

Hab Strand noch nie gehört, Chewy hat sich bei organissimo mal geauessert

dude i just heard this dude the other day he is practically, maybe not really, but seriously he sounded upon 1st listen to like that he was like the ‚white sun ra‘ or someone- it was insane. i mean, there are barney kessell and shelly manne groovin‘, and this dude is tearing it up keith emerson „““middle of karn evil 9“““ style, this record is modern organ jazz insanity. i strongly suggest somone blog it and it surfaces so you guys can all hear how crazy it is. makes me sad i gave up that jimmy smith one i had but im sure this one is even more crazy by far. i mean this guy sounds like no organsist i know but maybe sun ra a —-LITTLE—–. i mean this guys a genius i **HAVE** to get all 3 of his Fantasy lps like mucho pronto. why the f did they plug Korla Pandit so much les strand is so much more out of control. hey you guys are jazz collectiors, have you heard these lps, are they out of this world?

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