Re: Sun Ra

#5165779  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 07.10.2007

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gypsy tail windMit Hawkins meinst Du die auf Savoy erschienene? Die liess ich ja im Dezember in den Läden in Duisburg stehen – glaub sie gilt als eine der schwächsten … aber klar, für einen jungen Musiker ist sowas natürlich ein Ereignis (wohl aber am Ende doch eher die Auftritte von 1948 als eine Plattensession). Gerne hören würde ich das schon gerne mal, klar … aber Hawkins hat so unheimlich viel aufgenommen (wie Ra ja auch, klar), dass ich bisher nicht das Bedürfnis hatte, jeden Ton von ihm zu besitzen (auch wenn natürlich über die Jahre ein ziemlich hoher Stapel CDs zusammengekommen ist).

ja, das war wohl für beide keine sternstunde. campbell u.a. behaupten folgendes:

Sun31. Coleman Hawkins and His Orchestra

Coleman Hawkins (ts); Sun Ra (p); unidentified (b); unidentified (d).

Chicago, August or September 1953
[6994] Flight Eleven
Savoy MG 12013, Savoy SV-0182 [CD], Classics 1416 [CD], Transparency 0316 [CD, disk 11]
[6995] Modern Fantasy
Savoy MG 12013, Savoy SV-0182 [CD], Classics 1416 [CD]
[6996] Confessin‘
Savoy MG 12013, Savoy SV-0182 [CD], Classics 1416 [CD]
[6997] September Song
Savoy MG 12013, Savoy SV-0182 [CD], Classics 1416 [CD], Transparency 0316 [CD, disk 11]
[6998] You Can’t Take That Away from Me [They Can’t Take That Away from Me]
Savoy MG 12013, Savoy SV-0182 [CD], Classics 1416 [CD]
[6999] Should I?
Savoy MG 12013, Savoy SV-0182 [CD], Classics 1416 [CD]

It is not known where these sides were recorded. But the out-of-tune piano and the weird balance rule out Universal Recording, or any other studio worthy of the name. An empty club is the likely venue.

Enough sides were cut at Hawk’s two Parrot sessions to make an LP. But Al Benson never carried through with the plan. He put out two singles (Parrot 783 and 784), both consisting of material from the session with organ, piano, guitar, and (on two of the sides) a chorus.

Al Benson sold Parrot and Blue Lake Records to John Henry „Lawyer“ Burton in March 1956. Burton operated the labels for a few months, and threw in the towel before 1956 was out. Burton sold all of the Parrot Hawkins tracks to Herman Lubinsky. Savoy MG 12013, The Hawk Returns, was an LP released in 1957; it consisted of the 12 sides that Hawk had done for Parrot, including all 6 from this quartet session (the quartet tracks were grouped together on Side B). The original Parrot matrix numbers for the session remain unknown; the numbers in brackets were assigned by Savoy. „You Can’t Take That Away from Me“ is the way the title was rendered on the Savoy release.

A straight CD reissue of the LP, under the same title, appeared in 1994 as Savoy SV-0182.

All 12 tracks that Hawk cut for Parrot can be heard on Classics 1416, Coleman Hawkins 1953-1954, a 2006 CD that was among that label’s last.

Finally, two tracks from this session appear on Transparency 0316, Sun Ra: The Eternal Myth Revealed Volume 1, a 14-CD set released in 2011.
