Re: Morrissey · Ringleader Of The Tormentors

#3889577  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 26.03.2005

Beiträge: 188

Morrissey spielt zur Zeit live auch ein Cover und zwar
Magazine – A song from under the floor boards

Hier ein Link. Die Aufnahme ist, glaube ich, von dem Konzert aus Malmö.

Und hier der Text(„The song is Dostoevski’s „Notes From Underground“ set to music. As Vladimir Nabokov noted in his lecture on the tale, a more apt translation of the novella’s Russian title is „Memoirs From Under The Floorboards“ (or even „Memoirs From A Mousehole“ „).

I am angry I am ill and I’m as ugly as sin
my irritability keeps me alive and kicking
I know the meaning of life, it doesn’t help me a bit
I know beauty and I know a good thing when I see it

This is a song from under the floorboards
this is a song from where the wall is cracked
my force of habit, I am an insect
I have to confess I’m proud as hell of that fact

I know the highest and the best
I accord them all due respect
but the brightest jewel inside of me
glows with pleasure at my own stupidity

This is a song ….

I used to make phantoms I could later chase
images of all that could be desired
then I got tired of counting all of these blessings
and then I just got tired
