Re: Der iTunes-Thread

#3231177  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

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So, nach fast 8 Stunden habe ich die Lösung gefunden und es funzt!

Found this on cnet…worked for me.

Registry Error Installing iTunes

Error 1406. Could not write value to key \Software\Classes\.cdda\OpenWithList\iTunes.exe Verufy that you have suffcient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. I am the administrator!

I found the folling instructions to correct the problem:
Re: Found Administrator for Error 1406
Many people are having the same problem with error 1406. The solution listed below worked for me. Try the following fix exactly as it is outlined:

Start Menu -> Run. Type in „regedit“ (this takes you to the registry Editor)
Find the heading HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Click on it.
Find the heading SOFTWARE inside it. CLick on it.
Find the heading Classes. Click on it
Find the heading .cdda. Click
Find the heading OpenWithList. click

Right click on „OpenWithList“ folder. Select Permissions. Select Add Button. Select the advanced button. Select „Find Now“ button.
The „Find Now“ button should list all of the users, Select the „everyone“ user. Hit OK. This closes this dialog. Hit OK in the dialog box now on top. This closes this dialog.

On the Permissions for openwithList box now on top select „allow“ checkbox in the „full control“ row & hit OK.

Do the exact same thing for the OpenWithProgids folder. Close regedit and try the install again.

BUT….I do not have access to .cdda nor can I change the permissions when I follow the above instructions. Any suggestions?

Posted by: edcycles (see profile) – 07/17/2005 7:03 PM

