Re: Coldplay – X & Y

#3214351  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 29.08.2004

Beiträge: 20,833

Gerade fällt mir noch ein Zitat in die Hände. Roisin Murphy (Moloko), befragt nach ihren pet hates:

„Hearing ascending and descending power chords on the radio.The worst culprits are probably Keane and Coldplay – every song they release goes up and then down then up again. It’s really annoying and predictable, especially when you know how easy it is to do that. It’s like anthems by numbers.“

Aus „Q“.


When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest time, and to the latest. Henry David Thoreau, Journals (1857)