Re: Chet Baker

#245415  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 14.08.2009

Beiträge: 14,067

von hier:

„One of the many things people find fascinating about Chet Baker is his „mysterious death. The only thing that makes it mysterious is that no one witnessed it. Murder can be ruled out because there was no sign of struggle in Chet’s hotel room, and the door was locked from the inside. Nor was it a planned suicide. There was no note, and any person intending to kill themselves would have certainly jumped from higher that 2 stories. Usually a fall like that would result in broken bones but not death. No, Chet’s death was an odd, misfortunate accident. He simply fell out of the window. There was heroin found in his system, and there were large amounts of cocaine and heroin in his room. He probably went to open the window, and simply lost his balance. When he fell (at about 3 AM), he struck his head on a concrete post on the sidewalk. Given Baker’s life of ups and downs, the rumors make for a more interesting end to his story.“

neben seiner Trompete gefunden also nicht? hab kein buch hier, aber wenn ich das richtig erinnere, dann ist baker nur mit dem nötigsten gereist, war ja eine konzertreise, also war die trompete dabei, ich glaub insgesamt hat man im hotelzimmer auch nicht viel gefunden, aber da erinner ich mich nur vage (sowas wie: trompete, heroin, kokain, uhr und ein geldbetrag so im 50 euro bereich)

