Re: Die coolsten Dialoge der Filmgeschichte

Startseite Foren Kulturgut Für Cineasten: die Filme-Diskussion Die coolsten Dialoge der Filmgeschichte Re: Die coolsten Dialoge der Filmgeschichte

#1461097  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 15.07.2005

Beiträge: 362

Coordinator: Crucifixion?
Stan: Yes.
Coordinator: Good. Out of the door, line on the left, one cross each.
[Next prisoner]
Coordinator: Crucifixion?
Stan: Er, no, freedom actually.
Coordinator: What?
Stan: Yeah, they said I hadn’t done anything and I could go and live on an island somewhere.
Coordinator: Oh I say, that’s very nice. Well, off you go then.
Stan: No, I’m just pulling your leg, it’s crucifixion really.
Coordinator: [laughing] Oh yes, very good. Well…
Stan: Yes I know, out of the door, one cross each, line on the left.


"I love every aspect of the creation of motion pictures and I guess I am committed to it for life." - Clint Eastwood