Re: Die coolsten Dialoge der Filmgeschichte

Startseite Foren Kulturgut Für Cineasten: die Filme-Diskussion Die coolsten Dialoge der Filmgeschichte Re: Die coolsten Dialoge der Filmgeschichte

#1461049  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 19.05.2004

Beiträge: 11

Brodie: „You're giving up? YOU? You used to be stand-up guy, what happened to him? The guy who punched Amanda´s gross-out mother after she called him ´low class´.“
T.S.: „That wasn´t me. It was you.“
Brodie: „Oh, yeah.“
T.S.: „And it wasn´t her mother. It was her grandmother.“
Brodie: „No wonder the bitch went down so fast.“


"I am a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class, especially since I rule." Jeff Anderson as Randal Graves, CLERKS, written & directed by Kevin Smith