Re: Die coolsten Dialoge der Filmgeschichte

Startseite Foren Kulturgut Für Cineasten: die Filme-Diskussion Die coolsten Dialoge der Filmgeschichte Re: Die coolsten Dialoge der Filmgeschichte

#1461029  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 02.05.2003

Beiträge: 46,551

I killed him for money and for a woman. I didn't get the money. And I didn't get the woman. (Double Indemnity, 1944) (Fast ne Signatur wert…)

Suddenly it came over me that everything would go wrong. It sounds crazy, Keyes, but it's true, so help me. I couldn't hear my own footsteps. It was the walk of a dead man. (Double Indemnity, 1944) (Dito)


"Film is a disease. And the only antidote to film is more film." - Frank Capra