Antwort auf: Die 10 besten Songs der Walkabouts

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#12271573  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 17.05.2008

Beiträge: 19,693

01. Feeling No Pain (1994)
02. Grand Theft Auto (1993)
03. Nightdrive (1994)
04. Jack Candy (1993)
05. Firetrap (1994)
06. Feel Like Going Home (1993)
07. Long Time Here (1993)
08. Bordertown (1994)
09. The Light Will Stay On (1996)
10. The Storms Are On The Ocean (1993)

11. Train To Mercy (1991)
12. Sweet Revenge (1993)
13. Drag This River (1993)
14. Winslow Place (2001)
15. Your Hope Shines (1993)
16. Good Luck Morning (1994)
17. Devil In The Details (2005)
18. Dead Man Rise (1991)
19. The Night Watch (1991)
20. Unholy Dreams (1993)

21. Almost Wisdom (1994)
22. Nothing Is A Stranger (1991)
23. Blue Head Flame (1996)
24. Fairground Blues (1996)
25. Blown Away (1991)
26. Findlay’s Motel (1993)
27. Stir The Ashes (1991)
28. Hangman (1991)
29. Let’s Burn Down The Cornfield (1991)
30. Up In The Graveyard (1994)

31. Cold Eye (1996)
32. When Fortune Smiles (1996)
33. Pass Me On Over (1994)
34. Sand & Gravel (1994)
35. Forgiveness Song (1996)
36. No One The Wiser (1999)
37. Lest We Forget (2001)
38. Ended Up A Stranger (2001)
39. Northsea Train (2005)
40. Radiant (2001)


There is a green hill far away I'm going back there one fine day. I am free because I am the soul bird