Antwort auf: Tenor Giants – Das Tenorsaxophon im Jazz

#12114793  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 14.08.2009

Beiträge: 14,067

nochmal zu Joe Henderson und seinem Einfluss… hier ist ein ganz interessanter .org thread und hier ein Artikel, der zu einem Buch ueber Junior Cook gehoert, das demnaechst erscheint…

„Though Henderson claimed on at least one occasion that Cook had “taken lessons” from him, their similar musical mannerisms likely were born of shedding together when Henderson first arrived in New York. One modern tenorman and alum of Art Blakey’s Jazz Messengers acknowledged the similar sound concept of Cook and Henderson, quipping “I always thought of Joe Henderson as like . . . Junior Cook on acid.”“

fand ich eine interessante Passage… in dem .org thread gibt es noch eine Einschaetzung hierzu von David Weiss und Allen Lowe erinnert sich an das was Henderson zu Dave Schildkraut ueber Coltrane gesagt hat:

„Henderson told Dave that as long as bebop was the prevailing style he didn’t feel he had what it takes, was not comfortable as a player; and that it was Coltrane who freed him up to be himself, who showed him that he didn’t have to play the way the beboppers played in order to to a real player.“

