Antwort auf: Meine neueste LP

#12114335  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 23.05.2010

Beiträge: 2,751

hurley RI Gurke des Jahres

fyi @hurley, @pheebee, @snowball-jackson
Dear [duplo],
Thanks for your message. This is Cyrus – I run Mississippi Records. I wrote to Eric Isaacson who worked closely with Michael on the project. Here’s the word. Feel free to share! 

Michael Hurley controls ALL aspects of every record he’s released on Mississippi. Some of his decisions we agree with and others baffle us…but he’s a singular artist with a singular vision and in the end we trust him.
Michael worked on the new version of Sweetkorn for five years. He was unhappy with certain aspects of the O.G and wanted to create a whole new album using the initial Sweetkorn sessions as its base. The cover? Who knows why Michael chose to have someone else redo it. He claims it’s because he had trade credit with the artist and needed to spend it. She’s in Canada and international money wires and shipping seemed too complex, so Michael opted to commission a painting instead.
If you’re interested in my opinion – I think the new version’s music is vastly superior, while the new version’s cover is indeed inferior. But – I ain’t the artist.In the end, at the age of 82 with a long and awesome career, MIchael Hurley deserves to do whatever the hell he feels like doing. We at Mississippi are just here to support his vision.
I recommend to the complaining Snock fans the advice my Grandma gave me two days before she died – „Don’t take it serious. It’s too mysterious.“

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