Antwort auf: Paul Weller

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This Is The Modern World

The Ultimate exhibition of previously unseen The Jam & The Style Council Memorabilia

The biggest ever collection of previously unseen The Jam & The Style Council memorabilia – ’This Is The Modern World‘, launches in its spiritual home of Brighton on Saturday 30th July 2022 and runs through until Monday 31st August 2022.

Expect to witness the band’s formative years in the ‚Stanley Road room‘, including Paul’s own school books and archive family photo’s from the early years. Each room will include iconic items from each year of the band’s career with the ultimate vinyl collections together with a mass of memorabilia and the band’s instruments, including Paul’s iconic Whaaam! guitar and stunning mod-wear flanked by customised Jam scooters.

Nicky Weller comments, „If you’re a Jam fan there’s every single thing you can possibly imagine, if you’re not a fan it’s still interesting as far as social history goes. If you’re just a music fan it’s just a noisy fun exhibition“.

She continues, „I’m so excited that we will be taking “This Is The Modern World“ to Brighton this year with the biggest collection of previously unseen The Jam & The Style Council memorabilia on show- just a stones throw from the last ever live gig at the Brighton centre in 1982″.

The most comprehensive exhibition about this extraordinary and influential band – This Is The Modern World – is the ultimate exhibition for The Jam & The Style Council memorabilia –

Produced by AGMP and sponsored by Visit Brighton.

Exhibition open daily from 11-8pm.




Some very exciting news! ‚This Is The Modern World‘ announces live performances, special talks, Q&As and screenings during the exhibition’s residency in Brighton from 29th July – 29th August!

The line-up announced so far includes:

– 17th & 18th August: Bruce Foxton’s From The Jam

– 20th August: The Style Councillors and special guests

– 28th August: “We are the Mods“ one-off concert featuring Secret Affair, The Chords UK and other Mod Revival Artists.

– A special screening of ‘Quadrophenia’ followed by a Q&A with original cast-members Phil Daniels, Leslie Ash, Mark Wingett and Trevor Laird on August bank holiday.

– A selection of contemporary Mod-films including ‘The Pebble’ and ‘The Boy’ and ‘Long Hot Summers – The Story of The Style Council’.

– A series of ‘in conversation’, special appearances and book-signings from Mick Talbot, Rick Buckler, Steve White, Dee Cee Lee and Jam designer Bill Smith and photographers Derek D’Souza, and Martyn Goddard.

For tickets and information:


"I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered." - George Best --- Dienstags und donnerstags, ab 20 Uhr, samstags ab 20.30 Uhr: Radio StoneFM