Antwort auf: Umfrage: Die 20 besten Tracks von Kate Bush

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#11674335  | PERMALINK | Zitieren


Registriert seit: 03.07.2016

Beiträge: 4,547

01. Wuthering heights
02. Babooshka
03. Running up that hill
04. December will be magic
05. Cloudbusting
06. Army dreamers
07. The man with the child in his eyes
08. The big sky
09. Somewhere in between
10. Breathing
11. Them heavy people
12. There goes a tenner
13. Kite
14. Moving
15. Reaching out
16. Oh to be in love
17. Suspended in Gaffa
18. Symphony in blue
19. King of the mountain
20. Deeper understanding

zuletzt geändert von foxhousetwo

