Antwort auf: Ergebnis zur Umfrage nach den 20 besten Tracks von Alan Parsons / TAPP

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#11593393  | PERMALINK

Private Investigator

Registriert seit: 12.10.2012

Beiträge: 46,517

Die Anzahl der gemeinsamen Tracks der Teilnehmer

17 gemeinsame Tracks
Onkel Tom ↔ Talking Head 2

16 gemeinsame Tracks
jimmydean ↔ Onkel Tom
mr. badlands ↔ soulpope

15 gemeinsame Tracks
Onkel Tom ↔ Punchline
Onkel Tom ↔ wolfgang
jimmydean ↔ Punchline
jimmydean ↔ Talking Head 2
jimmydean ↔ mr. badlands
jimmydean ↔ soulpope

14 gemeinsame Tracks
Onkel Tom ↔ mr. badlands
wolfgang ↔ Punchline
wolfgang ↔ Talking Head 2

13 gemeinsame Tracks
Onkel Tom ↔ Close to the edge
Onkel Tom ↔ foxhousetwo
Onkel Tom ↔ soulpope
Punchline ↔ mr. badlands
Punchline ↔ soulpope
Talking Head 2 ↔ Close to the edge
Talking Head 2 ↔ Punchline
foxhousetwo ↔ Punchline
foxhousetwo ↔ mr. badlands
lotterlotta ↔ Onkel Tom
lotterlotta ↔ Talking Head 2

12 gemeinsame Tracks
CycleandAle ↔ foxhousetwo
Onkel Tom ↔ KlausK
Punchline ↔ KlausK
jimmydean ↔ foxhousetwo
jimmydean ↔ lotterlotta
jimmydean ↔ wolfgang
lotterlotta ↔ mr. badlands
lotterlotta ↔ soulpope
wolfgang ↔ foxhousetwo
wolfgang ↔ soulpope

11 gemeinsame Tracks
Alberto ↔ Punchline
Alberto ↔ foxhousetwo
CycleandAle ↔ Onkel Tom
CycleandAle ↔ Talking Head 2
CycleandAle ↔ lotterlotta
CycleandAle ↔ wolfgang
Onkel Tom ↔ Plattensammler
PELO_Ponnes ↔ mr. badlands
Plattensammler ↔ soulpope
Talking Head 2 ↔ foxhousetwo
Talking Head 2 ↔ mr. badlands
foxhousetwo ↔ Kinkster
foxhousetwo ↔ soulpope
jimmydean ↔ Close to the edge
lotterlotta ↔ Plattensammler
lotterlotta ↔ Punchline
lotterlotta ↔ wolfgang
wolfgang ↔ Inuit
wolfgang ↔ mr. badlands

10 gemeinsame Tracks
CycleandAle ↔ Punchline
E. Diski ↔ soulpope
E. Diski ↔ wolfgang
Inuit ↔ mr. badlands
Onkel Tom ↔ Inuit
Onkel Tom ↔ Kinkster
PELO_Ponnes ↔ magicdoor
Punchline ↔ Inuit
Punchline ↔ Kinkster
Talking Head 2 ↔ Inuit
Talking Head 2 ↔ Kinkster
Talking Head 2 ↔ KlausK
Talking Head 2 ↔ soulpope
foxhousetwo ↔ KlausK
jimmydean ↔ CycleandAle
jimmydean ↔ Kinkster
jimmydean ↔ Plattensammler
mr. badlands ↔ Kinkster
soulpope ↔ Kinkster
wolfgang ↔ Close to the edge
wolfgang ↔ Kinkster
wolfgang ↔ KlausK
wolfgang ↔ Plattensammler

9 gemeinsame Tracks
Alberto ↔ Onkel Tom
Alberto ↔ jimmydean
Alberto ↔ mr. badlands
Alberto ↔ soulpope
CycleandAle ↔ Kinkster
CycleandAle ↔ KlausK
CycleandAle ↔ mr. badlands
E. Diski ↔ Onkel Tom
E. Diski ↔ Plattensammler
E. Diski ↔ mr. badlands
Inuit ↔ soulpope
KlausK ↔ Close to the edge
PELO_Ponnes ↔ foxhousetwo
PELO_Ponnes ↔ soulpope
Plattensammler ↔ KlausK
Plattensammler ↔ Punchline
Plattensammler ↔ mr. badlands
Punchline ↔ magicdoor
Talking Head 2 ↔ Plattensammler
foxhousetwo ↔ Inuit
foxhousetwo ↔ magicdoor
jimmydean ↔ Inuit
jimmydean ↔ KlausK
jimmydean ↔ magicdoor
lotterlotta ↔ Close to the edge
lotterlotta ↔ foxhousetwo

8 gemeinsame Tracks
Alberto ↔ CycleandAle
Alberto ↔ Kinkster
Alberto ↔ KlausK
Alberto ↔ Plattensammler
Alberto ↔ lotterlotta
Alberto ↔ wolfgang
Close to the edge ↔ Kinkster
CycleandAle ↔ Close to the edge
CycleandAle ↔ soulpope
E. Diski ↔ Close to the edge
E. Diski ↔ KlausK
E. Diski ↔ Punchline
KlausK ↔ Kinkster
KlausK ↔ mr. badlands
KlausK ↔ soulpope
Onkel Tom ↔ magicdoor
Plattensammler ↔ Close to the edge
Plattensammler ↔ Inuit
Plattensammler ↔ Kinkster
Punchline ↔ Close to the edge
Talking Head 2 ↔ magicdoor
jimmydean ↔ E. Diski
jimmydean ↔ PELO_Ponnes
lotterlotta ↔ Inuit
lotterlotta ↔ Kinkster
lotterlotta ↔ KlausK
mr. badlands ↔ Close to the edge
mr. badlands ↔ magicdoor
wolfgang ↔ magicdoor

7 gemeinsame Tracks
Alberto ↔ E. Diski
Alberto ↔ Inuit
Alberto ↔ Talking Head 2
Alberto ↔ magicdoor
Close to the edge ↔ soulpope
CycleandAle ↔ PELO_Ponnes
CycleandAle ↔ Plattensammler
CycleandAle ↔ magicdoor
E. Diski ↔ Inuit
E. Diski ↔ Kinkster
E. Diski ↔ Talking Head 2
E. Diski ↔ foxhousetwo
E. Diski ↔ magicdoor
Inuit ↔ Close to the edge
Inuit ↔ Kinkster
Onkel Tom ↔ PELO_Ponnes
PELO_Ponnes ↔ Inuit
PELO_Ponnes ↔ Punchline
PELO_Ponnes ↔ Talking Head 2
foxhousetwo ↔ Close to the edge
foxhousetwo ↔ Plattensammler
lotterlotta ↔ PELO_Ponnes
lotterlotta ↔ magicdoor
soulpope ↔ magicdoor
wolfgang ↔ PELO_Ponnes

6 gemeinsame Tracks
E. Diski ↔ PELO_Ponnes
Inuit ↔ KlausK
Inuit ↔ magicdoor
Kinkster ↔ magicdoor
KlausK ↔ magicdoor
PELO_Ponnes ↔ Close to the edge
PELO_Ponnes ↔ Kinkster
PELO_Ponnes ↔ Plattensammler

5 gemeinsame Tracks
Alberto ↔ PELO_Ponnes
CycleandAle ↔ E. Diski
CycleandAle ↔ Inuit
Plattensammler ↔ magicdoor
lotterlotta ↔ E. Diski

4 gemeinsame Tracks
Alberto ↔ Close to the edge
Close to the edge ↔ magicdoor
PELO_Ponnes ↔ KlausK


zuletzt geändert von kinkster


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