Antwort auf: umfrage & ergebnis: die besten alben von alice coltrane sangitananda

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#11569379  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

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Aus pitchfork, zum oben genannten Album. Die letzten Sätze kann ich so absolut unterschrieben:

I wonder about the people on these recordings with Coltrane. What led them to the ashram? What were they seeking? How long had they been looking? In the course of a human life, the search is never-ending. But here, in one hour, is the sound of a woman’s realized higher purpose. Ecstatic Music is her corporeal joy, and clarifies what the rest of her catalog suggests: Alice Coltrane is religion. Once you’ve felt it, the ashram is in you.

Wobei “Religion” hier eher die transzendentale Basis anspricht. Das heißt, die ALLEM zu Grunde liegende, zeitlose und absolut unpersönliche Essenz.
