Antwort auf: Eloy- Dawn

#11560431  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 17.05.2008

Beiträge: 19,699

Awakening ****
Between The Times *****
The Sun-Song *****
The Dance In Doubt And Fear *****
Lost!?? (Introduction) ****1/2
Lost?? (The Decision) ****
The Midnight-Fight / The Victory Of Mental Force *****
Gliding Into Light And Knowledge ****1/2
Le Réveil Du Soleil / The Dawn *****

Gesamtwertung: ***** (4,67) (4,74 z)

Platz 1 im Eloy-Alben-Ranking


There is a green hill far away I'm going back there one fine day. I am free because I am the soul bird