Antwort auf: Beste Alben des Jahres 1979

#10488925  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 09.04.2005

Beiträge: 5,620



1. Neil Young with Crazy Horse: Live Rust ***** 2. Wolfgang Ambros: live… auf ana langen, finstern strassn’***** 3. Talking Heads: Fear of Music ***** 4. Madness: one step beyond***** 5. Peter Green: In the skies***** 6. Van Morrison: Into the Music ***** 7. Rickie Lee Jones: Rickie Lee Jones***** 8. Muddy Waters: Mississippi Waters Live***** 9. Weather Report: 8:30****1/2+ 10. Old and new dreams 2 ****1/2

update wegen Neuzugängen

1.Neil Young with Crazy Horse: Live Rust *****
2.Wolfgang Ambros: live… auf ana langen, finstern strassn’*****
3.Talking Heads: Fear of Music *****
4.Madness: one step beyond*****
5.Peter Green: In the skies*****
6.Lee Clayton Naked Child*****
7.Van Morrison: Into the Music *****
8.Rickie Lee Jones: Rickie Lee Jones*****
9.Duke Ellingtobn unknown session****1/2
10.Weather Report: 8:30****1/2

Muddy Waters: Mississippi Waters Live****1/2
Old and new dreams 2 ****1/2
Keith Jarrett: Eyes of the heart****1/2
Neil Young: Rust Never Sleeps ****1/2
The Clash: London Calling ****1/2
FischerZ: Word Salad****1/2
Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers: Damn the Torpedoes ****1/2
Marianne Faithfull: Broken English****1/2
Frank Zappa – Sheik Yerbouti****1/2
VA: Hair****1/2.
Patti Smith: wave ****1/2
The Police: Regatta de Blanc **** ½

Joni Mitchel Mingus****+
Gerry Rafferty Night Owl ****+
Robert Fripp Exposure ****+

Keith Jarrett: Personal Mountains****
Mothers finest: live****
Oregon : Roots in the sky****
John Surman: Upon Reflection****
Dire Straits – Communique****
Frank Zappa – Joe’s Garage (Act I-III) ****
Supertramp – Breakfast In America****
Sparks no.1 in heaven****
Fleetwood Mac: Tusk ****
Pierre Moerlen’s Gong: Downwind****
Devadip Carlos Santana: oneness: silver dreams, golden reality****
Pierre Moerlen’s Gong: Time is the key****
Jan Garbarek: Photo with….****
Angelo Branduardi: cogli la prima mela****
Pink Floyd – The Wall****
Andreas Vollenweider: Eine Art Suite in XIII Akten****
Nils Lofgren-Nils****
Bob Marley Survival****
Leonard Cohen: Recent songs****

Bob Dylan: Slow Train Coming ***1/2
Charles Mingus: me, myself and I***1/2
Miles Davis circle in the round***1/2
Jan Garbarek aftenland***1/2
Led Zeppelin : In Through The Out Door***1/2
Eloy: silent cries and mighty echoes***1/2
Mike Oldfield: exposed***1/2
Georg Danzer: Feine Leute***1/2
Dr.Hook: sometimes you win***1/2
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band: Angel Station***1/2
Art Garfunkel : Fate for breakfast***1/2
Passport: Garden of eden***1/2
Bob Budokan***1/2
Mike Oldfield: Platinum***1/2

zuletzt geändert von lotterlotta


Hat Zappa und Bob Marley noch live erlebt!