Antwort auf: Camel – Harbour of Tears (1996)

#10441271  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 17.05.2008

Beiträge: 19,693

Irish Air ** (11)
Irish Air (instrumental reprise) **1/2 (6)
Harbour Of Tears ***1/2 (2)
Cobh *1/2 (13)
Send Home The Slates *** (3)
Under The Moon *** (5)
Watching The Bobbins **** (1)
Generations ** (12)
Eyes Of Ireland **1/2 (7)
Running From Paradise ** (9)
End Of The Day **1/2 (8)
Coming Of Age *** (4)
The Hour Candle ** (10)

Gesamtwertung ***- (2,58) (2,78 z)

Platz 12 im Camel-Alben-Ranking


There is a green hill far away I'm going back there one fine day. I am free because I am the soul bird