Re: Vintage Hi Fi

#2593711  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 12.07.2002

Beiträge: 5,438

Whole Lotta PeteEin lange vernachlässigter Thread von mir. Nun ein neues Thema: 8-Tracks.

Diese 8-Spur-Band-Kassetten tauchen hin und wieder noch in älteren Filmen oder Fernsehserien auf. Ich weiß wenig darüber und würde gern mehr erfahren. Wie verbreitet war das System, gab es auch stationäre Heim-Geräte, oder nutzte man die Teile nur im Auto? Ich denke, es war wohl eher ein US-System, das hierzulande praktisch nicht verwendet wurde. Oder doch?

Interessante Frage. Mir sind die früher auch in amerikanischen Romanen schon aufgefallen und ich hatte deshalb danach gegooglet.

Ein paar Infos hier:

Whatever the details of Lear’s selling job, the keys to its spectacular success seems to have been the backing of both Ford and the recording industry. After getting RCA Victor to commit to the mass production of its catalog on Learjet 8-tracks, Ford agreed to offer the players as optional equipment on 1966 models. The response, in one Ford spokesman’s words, „was more than anyone expected.“ 65,000 of the players were installed that year alone. The machines were initially manufactured Ford’s electronics supplier and the firm that had pioneered the „motor victrola“ –Motorola.

Although the 8-track today is dismissed as a failure, from a contemporary standpoint it was a huge success. It was the first tape format to achieve a true, national mass market. While the projections of the promoters of recorded tape on reel-to-reel had fallen short all during the 1950s and 1960s, cart sales on 4 and 8-track grew spectacularly from the early 1960s through the 1970s. While most of this was due to the 8-track, some labels continued to issue 4-tracks into the 1970s.
