Antwort auf: Dies und das zum Thema Film

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#11922697  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 26.08.2008

Beiträge: 3,146

Wenn man über Kubrick’s Hang zum Perfektionismus redet,sollte man nicht vergessen,wie weit er bereit war zu gehen,um den zu erreichen. Das betrifft nicht nur seine Neigung,Takes zigmal wiederholen zu lassen (allein die berühmte Treppenszene in The Shining ließ er ja über 120 mal wiederholen) sondern auch den Umgang mit seinen Schauspielern. Im Falle von The Shining betraf das ganz besonders Shelley Duvall,was man bei der Beurteilung ihrer Performance,die ja nicht unumstritten ist,immer berücksichtigen sollte.

How The Shining Changed Shelley Duvall Forever
„Kubrick made Duvall and Nicholson shoot the scene in a record-setting 127 takes, something that horror fans love to spout off as a fun bit of trivia. The result of the constant takes were Duvall’s hands were shredded raw from gripping the bat for such a prolonged period of time, her voice was hoarse from crying, her eyes became swollen, and she left the set completely dehydrated. The moments we see on screen of Duvall crying in pain, fear, and exhaustion were not acting, but an actor delivering lines while enduring a trauma response.“

„Kubrick’s psychological brutalization of Duvall was so severe, her hair began falling out.“

„Many of Duvall’s lines were unexpectedly cut, she was frequently kept isolated, and she was forced to wait for extensive periods of time before performing her scenes to throw her off. Vivian’s documentary even shows moments of Kubrick not acting alone, but instead requiring the rest of the crew to follow his lead. „Don’t sympathize with Shelley,“ he says to the crew. He also made the decision to never compliment her work, and instead criticized every choice or impulse she had for the character. At one point, he encourages the rest of the crew to ignore her and tells them to disregard any needs she expresses. Kubrick is notorious for being a perfectionist, but at what cost?“
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Da verwischen schon mal die Grenzen zwischen Schauspielerei und Wirklichkeit.