Antwort auf: Dead & Gone

#11917297  | PERMALINK

Silver Stallion

Registriert seit: 24.07.2006

Beiträge: 6,818

Sehr, sehr traurig.

Kommenden Dienstag hätte Low eigentlich in der Manufaktur in Schorndorf gespielt.
Das Konzert war aber schon vor längerer Zeit abgesagt worden.
Da hatte ich dann auch das erste Mal von ihrer Krankheit erfahren. Das Statement von Alan Sparhawk klang zum damaligen Zeitpunkt für mich aber noch ganz hoffnungsvoll, jetzt im nachhinein gelesen vielleicht eher weniger:

„Friends, thank you for your kind words, thoughts, and gifts recently for Mimi. Words cannot describe the sublime light that is in every message and gesture. We were hoping she would be healthy enough to do the UK/Europe tour we had planned for November, but it is clear that we should stay home and continue with treatment and care as she is still struggling with ovarian cancer.
There have been difficult days but your love has sustained us and will continue to lift us through this time. Our hearts go out immediately to others in similar situations but who don’t have as many people sending such love and healing wishes. Find someone who is alone who needs a chat and give them your time and love.
With tears, we say thank you and hope to see you soon.

-Alan from Low“

Obituary des Guardian: Low drummer and vocalist Mimi Parker dies aged 55

Ich konnte Low leider nur einmal live erleben.
Im November 2013 war das, in der Schorndorfer Manufaktur. Tolles Konzert. Und dieser schon auf Platten so eigene, mit nichts anderem vergleichbare Sound war live nochmals packender.

R.I.P., Mimi Parker.

Low – Lullaby

Ein Track von ihrem 94er-Debütalbum „I Could Live in Hope“.


"Bird is not dead; he's hiding out somewhere, and will be back with some new shit that'll scare everybody to death." (Charles Mingus)