Antwort auf: Bandcamp

#11552029  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 10.07.2002

Beiträge: 36,854

Urgent Support For The Fire​-​stricken Areas In Greece (Compilation)

URGENT SUPPORT FOR THE FIRE-STRICKEN AREAS IN GREECE: A solidarity initiative to the conflagration affected people

Urgent Support Greece project was created to gather an amount of money via a rock and metal compilation of songs by over 50 bands / artists worldwide (Greece, Japan, Spain, Rumania, Serbia, Germany, Iran, United Kingdom, U.S.A., Brazil, Argentina) in order to support the affected areas and people by the wildfires in Greece.

All income from digital sales will be directly transferred to the Hellenic Red Cross Organization in order to help people who lost their houses and the restoration of the burnt land during the wildfires of August 2021.

The compilation will be active until the 31rst of August.

Act Now!

Eine Compilation mit über 50 Bands als aller Welt aus dem Bereich Rock und Metal. Neben dem Guten Zweck dient das Ganze also auch als Fundgrube um Neues zu entdecken.



Wann kommt Horst Lichter mit dem Händlerkärtchen und knallt mich ab?