Antwort auf: Morrissey – California Son

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#10827721  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 18.01.2003

Beiträge: 13,381

Ich mag das:

„That doesn’t worry me, I’m not Emmanuel Macron.“

Auch interessant – und wohl wahr:

„People who like my music want the physical item – they are not content just to stream. I can’t compete with artists who get 100 million streams per week. As vinyls, all my releases go to number 1, but I can’t compete in any other way.“

Schade, dass er sich nicht weiter zu den Grünen äußert.

Damit hat er nicht ganz unrecht:

„(..) if you call someone racist in modern Britain you are telling them that you have run out of words. You are shutting the debate down and running off.“

Sicher auch richtig:

„In the interest of true democracy, you cannot argue against the wish of the people. Without the people, nobody in high office gets paid.“

Und vielleicht sogar das hier:

„I’m only attacked by people who don’t have the emotional ability to ignore me.“


Dirty, dirty feet from the concert in the grass / I wanted to believe that freedom there could last (Willy Mason)