Antwort auf: Paul Weller

#10561708  | PERMALINK


Registriert seit: 18.09.2016

Beiträge: 39


cappucino Since everyone here on the Rolling Stone forum has been so helpful to me in the past, and to me you guys are the ones that really keep the old Splinters „vibe“ going more than any other group that I’m on or look at on the ’net (including those on FB) … I feel it’s best to reveal my plans of what to do with the TSC list that I put together. That is, to just move on to The Jam and Paul Weller solo – and make them available for all as a hopefully valuable reference. Once up, I’ll carry on and continue to add to it and update it as I get more information on new concerts as well as old ones. Keith

Hey Keith thanks a lot for the effort you take up for getting this database together and share it. Really appreaciate it, mate! Talking of fb groups – are you in the Cats who dig Style Council group? That’s a really nice one unlike some others…

It is a very slow going process, but most of the venues are now in the database. Another day or two and that part should be done for 1977 – 2018. After that, I’ll be building the concert records for Paul Weller solo, which is 1,213. Despite him playing venues multiple times over the years including  during his solo years, I still double check to ensure the venues are in the database, and cross reference any that are the same buildings but have just changed the name of the venue. If a venue is demolished and no longer exists, I do research to find out where it was and record the GPS location for *all* of them. So a LOT of research, cross checking, and time has already been put into it – and I’ve not done any website coding or design yet!

As far as the Cats Who Dig The Style Council group on Facebook, I was a member of that particular group at one time, but I was kicked out, banned and blocked from rejoining. The reasons aren’t that important, really, but it’s best summed up to say that someone in that group and I do not get along, and haven’t for a while now even before things got sour publicly in the group between us.

