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So, endlich ist der thread mal wieder oben.
Die Heartbreakers haben gerade 2 Konzerte mit Bob Dylan als Co-Headliner gespielt.
The two bands came together for two songs. During Dylan’s encores, Petty and Campbell joined Dylan’s band on „Rainy Day Women #12 & 35“ and „All Along the Watchtower.“ Playing electric guitars, Petty and Mike Campbell created a fierce, exciting jam with Dylan’s guitarists, Freddie Koella and Larry Campbell. Petty joined in the singing late on both songs.
Die von Juni auf Juli verschobene DVD soll jetzt endlich am 25. August erscheinen
TOM PETTY AND THE HEARTBREAKERS were filmed last year at the Grand Olympic Auditorium on October 16th, 2002.
The result: a live DVD featuring the a performance of THE LAST DJ and four Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers’ classics plus two covers. This package also come with a bonus CD with four previously unreleased live tracks from their PBS “Soundstage” Performance.Highlights von Rolling-Stone.deQueen: Was macht eigentlich Bassist John Deacon?
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Werbung… damit alle schreien „Hey Jan, falscher Thread“ :lol:
Stimmt schon :oops: Ich meinte allerdings auch mehr die DVD …
Ich bin (noch) nicht so ein großer Petty-Fan, dass ich mich tierisch über ’ne neue DVD freue. Aber ein neues Album wär schon fein. (um dir jetzt auch mal ’ne vernünftige Reaktion auf deinen Post zu geben :D )
Die DVD soll jetzt am 27. Oktober erscheinen. Na, mal sehn obs diesmal was wird. :-o
Mache mir da ob der Qualität keine Illusionen, dafür ist das Last DJ-Album (was hier ja in Gänze live gespielt wird) einfach zu schwach.Das sagt ein Reviewer:
Unfortunately, the editing is poor. In some songs the camera changes every three seconds. Some shots don’t last for more than half a second. Occasionally the camera will slow down for a minute to watch Tom sing or to pan across the stage, but it doesn’t happen often enough. One of the longest shots is of a woman in the audience singing along to two verses of a song. Who knows what’s happening on stage. Also, the lighting on some camera shots leaves a lot to be desired. In other places, however, the colors and lighting effects are awesome. Overall, the quality of the music makes the camera problems seem minor.
The extra features are hardly worth mentioning: two TV commercials promoting „The Last DJ“ album and some random outtakes of Tom making a video.
Complete Last DJ Album +
Change Of Heart – I Need To Know – Shake Rattle And Roll – Around And Around – Mary Jane’s Last Dance – You Wreck MeAmazon is also selling the DVD with a bonus CD, which features four songs from the band’s appearance on PBS’s Soundstage program:
I’m Crying – Done Somebody Wrong – I Got A Woman – Carolmhm, jetzt beginnen auch schon die Künstler, die mich interessieren damit, exklusivers Material für itunes bereitzustellen:
We can confirm that the two exclusive songs available on itunes on March 2nd will be “Born In Chicago” and “Red Rooster” recorded live in Chicago by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers:
Hier gibts ein ausführliches Interview mit Tom, exklusiv für die Website. Viel über die Travelling Wilburys, die Anfänge der Heartbreakers etc etc oder wusste gar nicht, dass Howie Epstein an einer Heroin-Überdosis gestorben ist:
It’s the final day of March, 2004, and Tom Petty is in
the recording studio of his Malibu home… He also expounds about the late Howie Epstein, a founding member of The Heartbreakers, who died in 2003 of a heroin overdose.We always questioned, did we do enough for him? Did we help him? And I think
we did. We tried so hard to pull him away from that. It’s such a strong drug, such an
evil drug. I mean, it just took years to kill him. It’s kind of like in that last year, we kind
of knew it was going to kill him. You just had to look at him to know it was going to kill him. We were all very prepared for it.
You were?
Yeah. We knew he was going to die. We kicked him
out of the group. That was the last thing we could do to
tell him to wake up. It got to be where we felt we were
enabling him. All we were doing was keeping a steady
stream of money coming in for him to live that life. And
we thought that maybe if he lost the group, he’d have to
get his shit together. And we got him to go to rehab. But he
just wouldn’t stick with it. Then, of course, you know
heroin makes you a fabulous liar. So it was kind of
hopeless.Falls jemand interessiert ist, aber nicht das ganze Interview lesen möchte.
Tom zu einem künftigem Livealbum:I don’t know if we will get a record out this year. I think it will probably be next year. Then I think there will be another side project of putting out a live record. We did a live record in ’84 and I never thought it was the great live album that this band should put out. And we’ve recorded so
much stuff on the road. Really almost every show we’ve done on the road for years has been recorded.und neuen Angeboten auf seiner website:
The Heartbreakers have a club-house, with offices, and a stage where we can play. So for a long time we went there every day and played, with no agenda. Just jammed and played three or four hours a day. And it was all recorded. So one of the engineers has brought me several CDs of stuff they mixed down from that. And it’s really good, some of it. The band would start to play, and I would improvise, and we’d see what we got. There’s probably ten or twelve of those things that I would like to put out…
Sometimes there would be ten minute jams on things, and then we’d sit and play it all back. And it was fun. And what I want is for people to hear how ridiculously good the band is.
Most of it starts with me playing through a chord progression once on guitar, and
then they fall down on it, and you just can’t believe how good they are on it. It’s
staggering. I’d really like people to hear it. I think there’s a portion of the audience who would really enjoy that. So I think that’s the kind of thing I could release through the website somehow.
… I would kind of like to make the bootlegs authorized. To make a place where all these bootlegs can be attained. Maybe for a membership, you can have as many as you like [laughs].
Originally posted by JanPP@31 May 2004, 14:41
Ich wusste gar nicht, dass Howie Epstein an einer Heroin-Überdosis gestorben ist:It’s the final day of March, 2004, and Tom Petty is in
the recording studio of his Malibu home… He also expounds about the late Howie Epstein, a founding member of The Heartbreakers, who died in 2003 of a heroin overdose.
Scheisse – ich dachte die ganze Zeit Mike Campbell wäre von uns gegangen. :ph34r: Schade ist's allemal.
Schönes Interview.
edit: Über 'Echo':
Rick Rubin swears I wasn't there on that record. Yeah. So that's the best Tom Petty record that Tom Petty wasn't at.
?Tolles Interview, hochgradig interessant, finde ich!
@ thomlahn:
Wenn Campbell gestorben wäre, hätte ich hier jeden Tag eine virtuelle Kerze für ihn aufgestellt, ich halte ihn für einen der besten, wenn nicht gar DEN BESTEN Rockgitarristen!--
Staring at a grey sky, try to paint it blue - Teenage BlueMit Howie Epstein ging vor knapp über einem Jahr nicht nur ein hervorragender Bassist sondern auch ein ganz ganz großer Backing Sänger von uns. Ich krieg jedesmal das großes Heulen wenn ich dran denk wie geil allein die Vocals beim Petty / Docks Konzert in HH waren.
Auf der (viel und nicht ganz zu unrecht) gescholtenen „Last DJ“ ist Howie Epstein schon nicht mehr dabei (er wurde schon vor seinem Tod aus der Band geworfen). Tom Petty und Mike Chambell teilen sich die meisten Bässe. Ron Blair („on late arrival“, wie's auf der CD nachzulesen ist) spielt bei zwei Titeln.
Ich mag die „Last DJ“ trotzdem. Einige Songs sind zwar absolute no-go's („Money becomes King“, „Joe“…), aber es gibt auch Perlen („Dreamville“, „Blue Sunday“, „Have Love will travel“…)
Hier könnte ihre Signatur stehen.Petty mag ich nicht sehr,weil er lahme Musik macht.
Der Gesang,Songwriting und der Style sind nicht sonderlich niveauvoll! :huh:Omas Liebling ist er!
Woody :lol:
"You end up lika a dog that`s beat too much..."Genau, Woody, und dann singt er auch noch englisch, was wir nicht verstehen (wollen). :P
.. und die Haare könnte er sich auch mal schneiden lassen.
? -
Schlagwörter: Tom Petty, Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers
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