Startseite › Foren › Fave Raves: Die definitiven Listen › „Sterne an“ – das nüchterne Bewertungsforum › Track by Track: Alben unter der Lupe › The Pixies – Surfer Rosa
da gerade gehört und hier nicht gefunden
1. Bone Machine *****
2. Break My Body *****
3. Something Against You ****1/2
4. Broken Face *****
5. Gigantic ****1/2
6. River Euphrates *****
7. Where Is My Mind? *****
8. Cactus ****
9. Tony's Theme ****
10. Oh My Golly ***
11. You Fucking Die! I Said… ;)
12. Vamos ***1/2
13. I'm Amazed ***1/2
14. Brick Is Red ****--
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Werbung1. Bone Machine *****
2. Break My Body ****1/2
3. Something Against You ****
4. Broken Face ****
5. Gigantic *****
6. River Euphrates *****
7. Where Is My Mind? *****
8. Cactus *****
9. Tony's Theme ****
10. Oh My Golly ***
12. Vamos ***
13. I'm Amazed ***
14. Brick Is Red ***kleiner abfall am schluß, trotzdem ihr zweitbestes (nach „doolittle“)
i don't care about the girls, i don't wanna see the world, i don't care if i'm all alone, as long as i can listen to the Ramones (the dubrovniks)1. Bone Machine *****
2. Break My Body ****1/2
3. Something Against You ****1/2
4. Broken Face ****1/2
5. Gigantic ****1/2
6. River Euphrates ****1/2
7. Where Is My Mind? *****
8. Cactus ****
9. Tony’s Theme ***
10. Oh My Golly *1/2
12. Vamos *1/2
13. I’m Amazed **
14. Brick Is Red ***insgesamt 3,65, ich runde ganz klar auf ****.
Leider dieses miese Ende der Platte. Bis zum achten Song ein Hammer nach dem anderen und dann DAS. :(
i don't care about the girls, i don't wanna see the world, i don't care if i'm all alone, as long as i can listen to the Ramones (the dubrovniks)sorry, hatte ganz übersehen, das ich das schon mal bewertet habe…
i don't care about the girls, i don't wanna see the world, i don't care if i'm all alone, as long as i can listen to the Ramones (the dubrovniks)1. Bone Machine *****
2. Break My Body *****
3. Something Against You ****
4. Broken Face *****
5. Gigantic ***1/2
6. River Euphrates *****
7. Where Is My Mind? *****
8. Cactus *****
9. Tony’s Theme *****
10. Oh My Golly ****1/2
11. Vamos ***** (nur wer die live-version kennt, weiß den Song zu schätzen)
12. I’m Amazed *****
13. Brick Is Red *****Dat war deutlich. Gigantic ist nach wie vor der schwächste Pixies-Song. Der wird auch nicht mehr wachsen.
Bone Machine * * * *
Break My Body * * * *
Something Against You * * 1/2
Broken Face * * * 1/2
Gigantic * * * * *
River Euphrates * * * *
Where Is My Mind * * * * *
Cactus * * * * 1/2
Tony´s Theme * * * 1/2
Oh My Solly! * *
Vamos * * 1/2
I´m Amazed * * *
Brick Is Red * * * 1/23,61 – * * * 1/2
Come On Pilgrim
Caribou * * * * *
Vamos * * * *
Isla De Encanta * * *
Ed Is Dead * * * * 1/2
The Holiday Song * * * * 1/2
Nimsod´s Son * * * 1/2
I´ve Been Tired * * * * 1/2
Levitate Me * * * *4,125 – * * * *
Up The Irons! R.I.P. Ronnie James Dio Bone Machine ****
2. Break My Body *****
3. Something Against You ***1/2
4. Broken Face ***1/2
5. Gigantic *****
6. River Euphrates ****
7. Where Is My Mind? *****
8. Cactus ****
9. Tony’s Theme ***
10. Oh My Golly **
11. Vamos **
12. I’m Amazed **1/2
13. Brick Is Red ***Insgesamt: ****
Es gibt 2 Arten von Menschen: Die einen haben geladene Revolver, die anderen buddeln.1. Bone Machine *****
2. Break My Body *****
3. Something Against You ***1/2
4. Broken Face *****
5. Gigantic *****
6. River Euphrates *****
7. Where Is My Mind *****
8. Cactus ****
9. Tony’s Theme ****1/2
10. Oh My Golly ****1/2
11. Vamos *****
12. I’m Amazed ***1/2
13. Brock Is Red ****1/2*****
1. Bone Machine **** 1/2
2. Break My Body *****
3. Something Against You **** 1/2
4. Broken Face *****
5. Gigantic *****
6. River Euphrates **** 1/2
7. Where Is My Mind? *****
8. Cactus ****
9. Tony’s Theme *** 1/2
10. Oh My Golly *****
11. Vamos ****
12. I’m Amazed *** 1/2
13. Brick Is Red ******** 1/2
2. Break My Body *****
3. Something Against You ****
4. Broken Face ****1/2
5. Gigantic ****1/2
6. River Euphrates *****
7. Where Is My Mind? *****
8. Cactus *****
9. Tony’s Theme ***1/2
10. Oh My Golly ***1/2
11. Vamos ****
12. I’m Amazed ***1/2
13. Brick Is Red ****Insgesamt eine ****3/4
When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?Bone Machine *****
Break My Body *****
Something Against You *****
Broken Face *****
Gigantic *****
River Euphrates *****
Where Is My Mind? *****
Cactus *****
Tony’s Theme *****
Oh My Golly *****
Vamos *****
I’m Amazed *****
Brick Is Red ****** * * * *
Come On Pilgrim
Caribou *****
Vamos *****
Isla De Encanta *****
Ed Is Dead *****
The Hollywood Song *****
Nimrod’s Son *****
I’ve Been Tired *****
Levitate Me ****** * * * *
Heavy metal iz a poze, hardt rock iz a leifschteil Machine *****
Break My Body *****
Something Against You ****1/2
Broken Face ****1/2
Gigantic *****
River Euphrates ****1/2
Where Is My Mind? *****
Cactus ****1/2
Tony’s Theme ***
Oh My Golly ***
Vamos ****
I’m Amazed ****
Brick Is Red *********
percy-thrillington "If you don't feel it, don't play it"Registriert seit: 04.02.2008
Beiträge: 2,050
Bone Machine *****
Break My Body ****
Something Against You ***
Broken Face ****
Gigantic *****
River Euphrates ****
Where Is My Mind? *****
Cactus ***
Tony’s Theme ***
Oh My Golly ***
Vamos **
I’m Amazed **
Brick Is Red **--
*** Konsens-Heini der Umfrage "Die 20 besten Tracks der Talking Heads" ***Bone Machine *****
Break My Body ****1/2
Something against You ****
Broken Face ****1/2
Gigantic *****
River Euphrates ****1/2
Where Is My Mind? *****
Cactus ****1/2
Tony’s Theme ***1/2
Oh My Golly! ***
Vamos ***1/2
I’m Amazed ***1/2
Brick Is Red ****Gesamtwertung: ****1/2
Einzigartiger Baß- und Schlagzeugsound; wunderbare Dynamik, ohne in Lärmorgien abzugleiten; dazu dieser ständige Wechsel zwischen aufbrausend und eher schleppend, die Breaks zwischen Strophe und Refrain.
Die Platte packt mich irgendwie.--
"Bird is not dead; he's hiding out somewhere, and will be back with some new shit that'll scare everybody to death." (Charles Mingus) -
Schlagwörter: 1988, 4AD, Black Francis, Boston, Frank Black, Kim Deal, Pixies, Steve Albini, Surfer Rosa
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