Startseite › Foren › Fave Raves: Die definitiven Listen › Die besten Tracks › Sexy Motherfucker? – Die besten Songs für oder mit Mama
Wie wärs, zu Ehren Sigmund Freuds mit Songs mit Mama, Ma‘, Mum,
oder so ähnlich á la: „Mama, just killed a man“
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Werbungabba – mama mia
Oldschool, Newschool...Shit, I Didn't Go To School!
AnonymInaktivRegistriert seit: 01.01.1970
Beiträge: 0
Scissor Sistors – Take your Mama
The White Stripes – Passive Manipulation
Tom Jones – Mama told me not to come
Manu Chao – Mama CallGruß
Tom Jones – Mama told me not to comethree dog night :band:
Oldschool, Newschool...Shit, I Didn't Go To School!Bewilderbeast Tom Jones – Mama told me not to come
Mr. Knoetzsch
three dog night
Randy Newman!
To Hell with PovertyThe Doors – The End
Mother, i want to fuck you.
Drinking in order to stay thinABBA – My Mama Said
ABBA – Does Your Mother Know
Rolling Stones – Mother’s Little Helpers
Proclaimers – Don’t Turn Out Like Your Mother
Tupac – Dear Mama
Sido – Mama ist stolz
LL Cool Jay – Mama Said Knock You Out
Spice Girls – Mama
Fünf Sterne Deluxe – Jaja, deine Mudda
Johnnny Cash – Daddy Sang Bass, Mama Sang Tenor (oder so ähnlich)der Vollständigkeit halber:
Les Humphries Singers – Mama Lou
Bino – Mama Leone
… alles von Heintje …… und unvergesslich:
Joe Dolce – Shaddap You Face--
John Lennon – Mother
you had me but i never had you
Drinking in order to stay thinqueen – bohemian rhapsody
mama, i’ve just killed a man
Oldschool, Newschool...Shit, I Didn't Go To School!Frank Zappa – Mom & Dad
Mama! Mama!
Someone said they made some noise
The cops have shot some girls & boys
You’ll sit home & drink all night
They looked too weird…it served
them right
Mama! Mama!
Someone said they made some noise
The cops have shot some girls & boys
You’ll sit home & drink all night
They looked too weird…it served
them right
Ever take a minute just to show a real
In between the moisture cream & velvet
facial lotion?
Ever tell your kids you’re glad that
they can think?
Ever say you loved ‚em? Ever let ‚em
watch you drink?
Ever wonder why your daughter looked
so sad?
It’s such a drag to have to love a plastic
Mom & Dad
Mama! Mama!
Your child was killed in the park today
Shot by the cops as she quietly lay
By the side of the creeps she knew…
They killed her too.--
Nönö! Zwischen (und ausser…) „Mama“ vom Heintje und „Mummy and Daddy“ von WHITEHOUSE geht da gar nix!
I mean, being a robot's great - but we don't have emotions and sometimes that makes me very sadHerr RossiSido – Mama ist stolz
Spice Girls – Mama
Fünf Sterne Deluxe – Jaja, deine Muddaso isses!
ich verhandle nicht mit psychopathen[/b]Mr. Knoetzschqueen – bohemian rhapsody
mama, i’ve just killed a man
oe, wer lesen kann ist klar im vorteil.
Oldschool, Newschool...Shit, I Didn't Go To School!
ford-prefect Feeling all right in the noise and the lightRegistriert seit: 10.07.2002
Beiträge: 10,358
Mama Said – Metallica
Wayne's World, Wayne's World, party time, excellent!Frank Zappa
– Yo‘ Mama
– My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama
„Toleranz sollte eigentlich nur eine vorübergehende Gesinnung sein: Sie muss zur Anerkennung führen. Dulden heißt beleidigen.“ (Goethe) "Allerhand Durcheinand #100, 04.06.2024, 22:00 Uhr -
Schlagwörter: Themensongs
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