Startseite › Foren › Fave Raves: Die definitiven Listen › Die besten Alben › Rank the Records › Ranking der Stones-LPs
Auf vielfachen Wunsch nun also auch die Studio-LPs der Rolling Stones von Platz 1 bis 22, gern besternt…
1. Exile On Main Street * * * * *
2. Beggars Banquet * * * * *
3. Sticky Fingers * * * * *
4. Let It Bleed * * * * *
5. Aftermath * * * * *
6. Some Girls * * * * *
7. Out Of Our Heads * * * * *
8. The Rolling Stones No.2 * * * * *
9. Goats Head Soup * * * * *
10. Between The Buttons * * * * *
11. The Rolling Stones * * * * 1/2
12. Tattoo You * * * * 1/2
13. It’s Only Rock’n’Roll * * * * 1/2
14. A Bigger Bang * * * * 1/2
15. Bridges To Babylon * * * * 1/2
16. Steel Wheels * * * *
17. Voodoo Lounge * * * *
18. Their Satanic Majesties Request * * * *
19. Emotional Rescue * * * *
20. Black And Blue * * * *
21. Undercover * * * 1/2
22. Dirty Work * * * 1/2--
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Werbung1. Beggars Banquet * * * * *
2. Exile On Mainstreet * * * * *
3. Sticky Fingers * * * * *
4. Aftermath * * * * *
5. Let It Bleed * * * * *
6. The Rolling Stones No.2 * * * * *
7. Out Of Our Heads * * * * *
8. Some Girls * * * * *
9. Between The Buttons * * * * *
10. The Rolling Stones * * * * 1/2
11. Goats Head Soup * * * * 1/2
12. Tattoo You * * * * 1/2
13. A Bigger Bang * * * * 1/2
14. It’s Only Rock’n’Roll * * * *
15. Bridges To Babylon * * * *
16. Their Satanic Majesties Request * * * *
17. Steel Wheels * * * *
18. Voodoo Lounge * * * *
19. Emotional Rescue * * * *
20. Black And Blue * * * *
21. Undercover * * * 1/2
22. Dirty Work * * *--
Hey man, why don't we make a tune... just playin' the melody, not play the solos...4. Aftermath * * * * *
2. Beggars Banquet * * * * *
3. Let It Bleed * * * * *
4. Exile On Mainstreet * * * * *
5. Sticky Fingers * * * * *
6. Out Of Our Heads * * * * *
7. The Rolling Stones No.2 * * * * *
8. Between The Buttons * * * * 1/2
9. Some Girls * * * * 1/2
10. The Rolling Stones * * * * 1/2
11. Their Satanic Majesties Request * * * *
12. Goats Head Soup * * * *
13. Black And Blue * * * *
14. Tattoo You * * * *
15. It’s Only Rock’n’Roll * * * *
16. A Bigger Bang * * * *
17. Bridges To Babylon * * * 1/2
18. Steel Wheels * * * 1/2
19. Voodoo Lounge * * * 1/2
20. Emotional Rescue * * * 1/2
21. Undercover * * *
22. Dirty Work * * *--
When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest time, and to the latest. Henry David Thoreau, Journals (1857)Hach, ein Sternefest und ich stimme bei Platz 1-5 mit tops überein. Daß ich das noch erleben darf.
1. Exile On Main Street * * * * * (auch meine ewige Gesamt Nr. 1)
2. Beggars Banquet * * * * *
3. Sticky Fingers * * * * *
4. Let It Bleed * * * * *
5. Aftermath * * * * *
6. Goats Head Soup * * * * 3/4
7. Out Of Our Heads * * * * 1/2
8. The Rolling Stones No.2 * * * * 1/2
9. Some Girls * * * * 1/2
10. The Rolling Stones * * * * 1/2
11. Tattoo You * * * * 1/2
12. Between The Buttons * * * *
13. It’s Only Rock’n’Roll * * * *
14. A Bigger Bang * * * 1/2
15. Bridges To Babylon * * * 1/2
16. Their Satanic Majesties Request * * * 1/2
17. Black And Blue * * * 1/2
18. Undercover * * * 1/2
19. Steel Wheels * * *
20. Voodoo Lounge * * *
21. Emotional Rescue * * 1/2
22. Dirty Work * *--
1. Exile On Main Street * * * * *
2. Beggars Banquet * * * * *
3. Sticky Fingers * * * * *
4. Let It Bleed * * * * *
5. Aftermath * * * * *
6. Out Of Our Heads * * * * *
7. The Rolling Stones No. 2 * * * * *
8. Between The Buttons * * * * *
9. Some Girls * * * * *
10. Goats Head Soup * * * * *
11. The Rolling Stones * * * *1/2
12. Tattoo You * * * * 1/2
13. It’s Only Rock’n’Roll * * * * 1/2
14. A Bigger Bang * * * * 1/2
15. Their Satanic Majesties Request * * * *
16. Bridges To Babylon * * * *
17. Steel Wheels * * * *
18. Voodoo Lounge * * * *
19. Undercover * * * *
20. Emotional Rescue * * * *
21. Black And Blue * * * 1/2
22. Dirty Work * * *--
If you try acting sad, you'll only make me glad.1. Exile On Main Street * * * * *
2. Aftermath * * * * *
3. Sticky Fingers * * * * *
4. Let It Bleed * * * * *
5. Beggars Banquet * * * * *
6. Out Of Our Heads * * * * *
7. Between The Buttons * * * * *
8. Some Girls * * * * *
9. Goats Head Soup * * * * *
10. The Rolling Stones No.2 * * * * *
11. The Rolling Stones * * * * 1/2
12. Tattoo You * * * * 1/2
13. It’s Only Rock’n’Roll * * * * 1/2
14. Steel Wheels * * * *
15. Voodoo Lounge * * * *
16. Their Satanic Majesties Request * * * *
17. Bridges To Babylon * * * *
18. A Bigger Bang * * * *
19. Emotional Rescue * * * 1/2
20. Undercover * * * 1/2
21. Black And Blue * * *
22. Dirty Work * * 1/2Das Ranking von „Dirty Work“ ist in Stein gemeißelt.
1. Let it bleed *****
2. Beggars banquet *****
3. Sticky fingers *****
4. Exile on main street ****1/2
5. Aftermath ****1/2
6. Out of our heads ****1/2
7. Between the buttons ****1/2
8. The Rolling stones No. 2 ****1/2
9. Goats head soup ****
10. Some girls ****
11. The Rolling stones ****
12. Voodoo lounge ****
13. Tattoo you ***1/2
14. It´s only rock´n roll ***1/2
15. Steel wheels ***1/2
16. Bridges to babylon ***1/2
17. A bigger bang ***172
18. Dirty work ***1/2
19. Their satanic majesties request ***1/2
20. Emotional rescue ***1/2
21. Black and blue ***
22. Undercover ***--
Der Teufel ist ein Optimist, wenn er glaubt, dass er die Menschen schlechter machen kann. "Fackel" - Karl Kraus1. Sticky Fingers (unangefochten auf ewig) *****
2. Let It Bleed *****
3. Aftermath *****
4. Beggars Banquet *****
5. Exile On Main Street *****
6. Goats Head Soup *****
7. Out Of Our Heads *****
8. The Rolling Stones Nr. 2 *****
9. Some Girls *****
10. Their Satanic Majesties Request *****
11. The Rolling Stones *****
12. Tattoo You ****1/2
13. Between The Buttons ****1/2
14. It’s Only Rock’n Roll ****
15. A Bigger Bang ****
16. Black And Blue ****
17. Bridges To Babylon ****
18. Vodoo Lounge ***
19. Emotional Rescue ***
20. Steel Wheels ***
21. Undercover ***
22. Dirty Work ***--
„Toleranz sollte eigentlich nur eine vorübergehende Gesinnung sein: Sie muss zur Anerkennung führen. Dulden heißt beleidigen.“ (Goethe) "Allerhand Durcheinand #100, 04.06.2024, 22:00 Uhr Sticky Fingers *****
2. Beggars Banquet *****
3. Exile On Main Street *****
4. Let It Bleed *****
5. Some Girls ****1/2
6. Out Of Our Heads ****1/2
7. It’s Only Rock’n Roll ****1/2
8. Goats Head Soup ****1/2
9. The Rolling Stones Nr. 2 ****1/2
10. Aftermath ****
11. The Rolling Stones ****
12. Emotional Rescue ****
13. Tattoo You ***1/2
14. A Bigger Bang ***1/2
15. Their Satanic Majesties Request ***1/2
16. Black And Blue ***1/2
17. Bridges To Babylon ***
18. Between The Buttons ***
19. Vodoo Lounge ***
22. Dirty Work ***
21. Steel Wheels **1/2
22. Undercover **__________________
There is a crack in everything; that's how the light gets in. (Leonard Cohen)1. Beggars Banquet *****
2. Let It Bleed *****
3. Sticky Fingers *****
4. Aftermath *****
5. Exile On Main Street *****
6. Between The Buttons ****1/2
7. Their Satanic Majesties Request ****1/2
8. Some Girls ****1/2
9. It’s Only Rock’n Roll ****1/2
10. Out Of Our Heads ****1/2
11. The Rolling Stones Nr. 2 ****1/2
12. The Rolling Stones ****1/2
13. Goats Head Soup ****
14. Steel Wheels ***1/2
15. A Bigger Bang ***1/2
16. Tattoo You ***1/2
17. Vodoo Lounge ***
18. Bridges To Babylon ***
19. Black And Blue ***
20. Undercover ***
21. Emotional Rescue **1/2
22. Dirty Work **1/2--
Twang-Bang-Wah-Wah-Zoing! - Die nächste Guitars Galore Rundfunk Übertragung ist am Donnerstag, 19. September 2019 von 20-21 Uhr auf der Berliner UKW Frequenz 91,0 Mhz, im Berliner Kabel 92,6 Mhz oder als Livestream über mit neuen Schallplatten und Konzert Tipps! - Die nächste Guitars Galore Sendung auf radio ist am Dienstag, 17. September 2019 von 20 - 21 Uhr mit US Garage & Psychedelic Sounds der Sixties!Mick67Das Ranking von „Dirty Work“ ist in Stein gemeißelt.
01. Aftermath *****
02. Exile on Main Street *****
03. Sticky fingers *****
04. Beggars Banquet *****
05. Let it bleed ****1/2
06. Out of our heads ****
07. Goats head soup ****
08. The Rolling Stones No. 2 ****
09. The Rolling Stones ****
10. Tattoo you ****
11. Some girls ****
12. Between the buttons ****
13. Bridges to Babylon ****
14. It’s only rock’n’roll ***1/2
15. A bigger bang ***1/2
16. Dirty work ***1/2
17. Black and blue ***
18. Voodoo lounge ***
19. Undercover ***
20. Their satanic majesties request **1/2
21. Steel wheels **1/2
22. Emotional rescue **--
there's room at the top they are telling you still but first you must learn how to smile as you killAlso diese Dirty Work muss ich mir unbedingt nochmal anhören. Die scheint ja echt superb zu sein.
Schönes Ding. ‚ere ‚tis:
1 Exile On Main Street *****
2 Beggars Banquet *****
3 Let It Bleed *****
4 Sticky Fingers *****
5 Goats Head Soup ****1/2
6 Out Of Our Heads ****1/2
7 The Rolling Stones No.2 ****1/2
8 Tattoo You ****1/2
9 The Rolling Stones ****1/2
10 It’s Only Rock’n’Roll ****
11 Aftermath ****
12 Between The Buttons ****
13 Black And Blue ****
14 Emotional Rescue ****
15 Some Girls ****
16 Bridges To Babylon ****
17 Steel Wheels ****
18 A Bigger Bang ****
19 Undercover ***1/2
20 Dirty Work ***1/2
21 Their Satanic Majesties Request ***
22 Voodoo Lounge ***--
Staring at a grey sky, try to paint it blue - Teenage Blue01. Sticky fingers * * * * *
02. Beggars banquet * * * * *
03. Let it bleed * * * * *
04. Exile on Main Street * * * * *
05. Aftermath * * * * *
06. Between the buttons * * * * *
07. Some girls * * * * 1/2
08. It’s only Rock’n Roll * * * *1/2*
09. Tattoo you * * * * 1/2
10. Goats head soup * * * * 1/2
11. Out of our heads * * * * 1/2
12. The Rolling Stones No. 2 * * * *
13. The Rolling Stones * * * *
14. Black and blue * * * *
15. Voodoo lounge * * * *
16. A bigger bang * * * *
17. Bridges to Babylon * * * 1/2
18. Their satanic majesties request * * *
19. Steel wheels * * *
20. Emotional rescue * * 1/2
21. Dirty work * * 1/2
22. Undercover * *--
Jetzt schon 62 Jahre Rock 'n' Roll -
Schlagwörter: Listen auf Stimmigkeit prüfen, The Rolling Stones
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