Startseite › Foren › Das Konzert-Forum: Wann, wer und wie › Und so war es dann › Pearl Jam in Seattle, 6. Dezember
well night 2… it was a bit more difficult to get in since i didn’t have a ticket. we stood in line for hours, tried winning from the radio station, and checked the crowd for extras. well pearl jam started playing and i was still outside eating a tofu dog with little chance of getting in. they played elderly woman, off he goes, and started thumbing my way when the security guy pointed at me and said „you come around here“. i was getting in!!! i got up to the box office…they had 30 tix available for purchase by those waiting outside. i paid and rushed inside. i wandered around for a couple minutes trying to find a spot. i stumbled upon a great spot on the left of the stage 1 person back. i could see ed perfectly, and stone most of the time. eventually i moved around enough where i could see jeff and mike’s heads (there was a huge equipment box in the way). the night was a blur… it didn’t focus quite as much on riot act like the night before and the guys they were having the best time. after seeing both shows i could see how tense and nervous they seemed the night before. tonight they were very relaxed. when they played daughter they went into the song, war, as a tag. everyone was singing along. „war…what is it good for absolutely nothin‘ say it again!“ ed got more and more intense as he sang, he flipped off i crowd showing his sentiment regarding the war. and said after it was over that sometimes you just have to get things off your chest. they ended the first set with rearview mirror … it took a really long time to come out after the break. the entire band emerges except for ed…. then i see it but i don’t believe it… they started playing bushleager and out comes ed wearing a black coat and a george bush mask doing this funky little dance. priceless!!! bushleager was everything i hoped it would be and more… much more. i recall at somepoint ed cradling and stroking the hair on the bush mask. they thanked a bunch of people before grievance…. and said that this song is for jeff’s parents who were there. ed mentioned that in the alive video, the guy crowd surfing was jeff’s dad who missed those days. ed also mentioned that his neighbors were there and said that he was really sorry that his 3 dogs shit in their yard. he was in a very good mood…talking and joking quite a bit.
they played yellow ledbedder and i thought, that’s it…it’s over? well it wasn’t… they came back…well ed came back on stage carrying a guitar pedal that he said was left for him annonymously and he wanted to thank that person. (ironically enough i saw the guy with this pedal wandering up and down the line trying to trade it for a ticket for the show saying that it was mike’s pedal.) so as he’s hugging the pedal he mentions how this is an early christmas gift and that he’s really hard to buy for, but he didn’t have one of these so thought it was really great. then he said he had one other christmas gift that he opened early so that he could share it with us tonight. he said he’d be right back and went off stage for a second. he returns with a ukelele around his neck that looks like a miniature electric guitar…so damn cute. the crowd went nuts! he started to play soon forget, then forgot the words so he started over again…2nd time was a charm. after this the enitre band returned to the stage for one last song. it was a kind of anti chistmas song… a cover called i don’t believe in christmas. all in all this was the best show anyone could ask for, even after missing basically the first three songs. if this is any indication of the tour we are all in for a treat!--
I wish I had a blue guitar, a blue guitar to play all night long. - Cowboy Junkies -Highlights von Rolling-Stone.deYou’ll never walk alone: Die besten Fußball-Songs
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Werbungsoundcheck: Blood x 2, You Are, Save You, Can`t Keep, I Am Mine, Down
setlist: Can`t Keep, Save You, Get Right, Green Disease, Grievance,
Ghost, I Am
Mine, 1/2 Full, Nothing As It Seems, You Are, Given To Fly,
Insignificance, Blood
encore: Last Kiss, Wishlist, Black, Down, Do The Evolution
encore 2: All or None
– hier handelte es sich allerdings um die show vom 05.12.-… da wird man doch wehmütig.
Seit langem wieder mal „blood“ auf der setlist – wurde, wenn ich nicht irre während der ganzen 2000-er tour nicht gespielt.
Da werden Erinnerungen an Berlin 1996 wach. Blood, in dirtekter Folge von Alive- in einer infernalischen Version, inklusive großen Rock’n Roll – Sports (gepflegte Equipment-zerstörung, na gut ed hatte lediglich sein mic in klumpen gehauen). Das ganze ist auch sehr schön auf dem dazugehörigen Bootleg zu bewundern.:gitarre:
Gesegnet seien jene, die nichts zu sagen haben und den Mund halten.wenn Du hier einen ganzen Konzertbericht zitierst, dann gib doch bitte die Quelle an. So weiss man ja gar nicht wessen Eindrücke das sind. Ansonsten haben wir hier im Forum schon so einen Spezialisten für diese Art des Zitats.
Gruß aus dem Städele :D
Captain Beefheart to audience: Is everyone feeling all right? Audience: Yeahhhhh!!! awright...!!! Captain Beefheart: That's not a soulful question, that's a medical question. It's too hot in here.@annapurna
wenn Du hier einen ganzen Konzertbericht zitierst, dann gib doch bitte die Quelle an. So weiss man ja gar nicht wessen Eindrücke das sind. Ansonsten haben wir hier im Forum schon so einen Spezialisten für diese Art des Zitats.
Gruß aus dem Städele :D
Keine Ahnung wer das geschrieben hat, Beatlebum.
Hab’s aufm Message Board von Pearl Jam gelesen.Sollte ich gegen einen Kodex verstossen haben, tut mir
das nicht wirklich leid. :voidod:--
I wish I had a blue guitar, a blue guitar to play all night long. - Cowboy Junkies -Es geht hier um keinen Kodex. Das Forum dient ja u.a. dem Austausch von Meinungen und Informationen. In Deinem „Beitrag“ sind ja beide Elemente enthalten. Nur was nützt den anderen Forumsteilnehmern dies, wenn es ohne Hintergrundinformationen, z.b. von wem die Meinung stammt, gepostet wird.
Captain Beefheart to audience: Is everyone feeling all right? Audience: Yeahhhhh!!! awright...!!! Captain Beefheart: That's not a soulful question, that's a medical question. It's too hot in here.Sollte ich gegen einen Kodex verstossen haben, tut mir
das nicht wirklich leid. :voidod:ansonsten top!
Schlagwörter: Pearl Jam
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