Startseite › Foren › Die Tonträger: Aktuell und Antiquariat › Aktuelle Platten › MATANA ROBERTS – Coin Coin Chapter Three, River Run Thee
AnonymInaktivRegistriert seit: 01.01.1970
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captain kiddHabe mich aber daran gewöhnt, dass ich einige hier intellektuell überfordere.
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Do you believe in Rock n Roll?captain kiddHast du diese Erkenntnis von Ekkehard Jost oder bist du da selbst draufgekommen?
Jetzt lass mal stecken. 2015 muss man wirklich keine Diskussion mehr über die Meriten von Free Jazz oder gar die Frage, ob es sich dabei um Musik handelt mehr führen. Es ist manchmal ganz hilfreich, nicht täglich das Rad neu erfinden zu wollen.
"Don't play what the public want. You play what you want and let the public pick up on what you doin' -- even if it take them fifteen, twenty years." (Thelonious Monk) | Meine Sendungen auf Radio StoneFM: gypsy goes jazz, #160: Barre Phillips (1934-2024) - 11.2., 22:00 | Slow Drive to South Africa, #8: tba | No Problem Saloon, #30: tbaDas stimmt natürlich. Aber was ist denn nun eigentlich mit deinem Satz hier? Falsch oder richtig?
Do you believe in Rock n Roll?Keine Ahnung, es geht mir am Allerwertesten vorbei, wenn ich so offen sein darf
"Don't play what the public want. You play what you want and let the public pick up on what you doin' -- even if it take them fifteen, twenty years." (Thelonious Monk) | Meine Sendungen auf Radio StoneFM: gypsy goes jazz, #160: Barre Phillips (1934-2024) - 11.2., 22:00 | Slow Drive to South Africa, #8: tba | No Problem Saloon, #30: tbaNa ja, ist schon okay. Verbuchen wir es unter Positivismusstreit…
Do you believe in Rock n Roll?Yup, solange Du mir nicht mit Werterelativismus kommst, ist alles gut. Ich warte jetzt einfach mal gespannt auf die CD.
"Don't play what the public want. You play what you want and let the public pick up on what you doin' -- even if it take them fifteen, twenty years." (Thelonious Monk) | Meine Sendungen auf Radio StoneFM: gypsy goes jazz, #160: Barre Phillips (1934-2024) - 11.2., 22:00 | Slow Drive to South Africa, #8: tba | No Problem Saloon, #30: tba
AnonymInaktivRegistriert seit: 01.01.1970
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kramerMal wieder ein Beweis dafür, dass du hier genau die Reaktionen bekommst, die du verdienst.
da habt ihr ja richtig toll was gemeinsam, auf dem sich aufbauen lässt…
Ich hab das Aufgebot jedenfalls schon bestellt…
Do you believe in Rock n Roll?Wer diese Platte nicht toll findet, ist ein herzloses Monster.
How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?ClauWer diese Platte nicht toll findet, ist ein herzloses Monster.
Travis und ich wussten das schon. Schreib mal etwas mehr, Clau!
If you talk bad about country music, it's like saying bad things about my momma. Them's fightin' words.In der Zwischenzeit hat Matana via tumblr weitere, sehr interessante Einblicke in das Album und den Entstehungsprozess geliefert. Hier ein Auszug für diejenigen ohne tumblr-account:
„….The last two chapters I couldnt ever listen to in full once they were committed to wax. Have not been able to do so still. Partly bc I’m a bit of perfectionist and i play so many roles on those records and i can hear all of the things I feel I should have done differently as a band leader, as a composer, as a player — also remember that was recorded live in front of 40 witnesses, so it’s just raw….. Emotionally there are also some issues.
You know chapter 1 was made 10 days after my mother died from a ladies cancer ( pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease get yr annual, you do not want to go through what she went through, it was horrifying…..), and so the scream sings, tho joyful on one side personally, are terrorizing on another to me as I feel like I can hear my grief. It was/is a very lonesome grief, slow and hurtful, and only my closest kindred have a full understanding of all that was going on at that time…. I will never flush that out in full for everyone else to consider, but it will probably always sit in every chapter of the work, as she was the 1st person to encourage me to do this project. She was the very 1st person i talked to about creating it on a winter collect long distance call from my shitty illegal cold queens apt to her warmer one in Chicago….Also one of my music mentors, and kind of a father figure to me, the great elder saxophonist Fred Anderson died the same week as my mother—they actually went on life support within a few days of each other, I attended back to back funerals the last time I hung out hard on Chicago’s southside, so I can hear that as well in the work…. Tho Mr. Anderson lived a good long life, combined with all else that was going on in my blood family at that time, I still felt somewhat spiritually orphaned during that recording….
Chapter 2: the only thing that makes me happy about that one are the stellar musicians on it, who really brought it in studio and I will be forever grateful to them for that. I actually had strep throat that week, could barely talk let alone sing/play/focus….i stood in front of the mic double fisting tea, herbal supplements, lozenges…It’s also recorded at a pretty historic brooklyn studio that still has a bit of an old school vibe…. but i still cant listen to it like I can listen to chapter 3…
Chapter 3: Since the mastering of the record Ive been able to listen to it from beginning to end 100’s of times. My favorite records are those records that you put them on and time just STOPS…… Everything that brought you to that moment just STOPS because yr focus has to enter a sound world that you have no filter for, but yet you feel some odd kinship….. Though I still hear things on this record I would have done differently, I feel a creative satisfaction with it that comforts me and tells me that: “I’m okay”, “the world is okay”, “everything is exactly how it is supposed to be”….for now:) I never thought I had that in me creatively and so it’s given me a lot of hope for my future in sound adventurism….“
When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?ClauWer diese Platte nicht toll findet, ist ein herzloses Monster.
Do you believe in Rock n Roll?ClauWer diese Platte nicht toll findet, ist ein herzloses Monster.
Wobei mir einfällt: Wo hast du eigentlich die Platte her? Ich sehe überall nur Vorbestellungsmöglichkeiten.
If you talk bad about country music, it's like saying bad things about my momma. Them's fightin' words.Hatte mich auch gewundert. Ich habe sie in Frankreich bestellt (die CD), da wird der 2.2. als VÖ-Datum angegeben, wird wohl noch etwas dauern, bis ich sie habe.
Ich glaube, Clau war mal kurz irgendwo am Containerhafen, frag mich nicht, wie er das hingekriegt hat, aber wer davon nicht beeindruckt ist, ist ein herzloses Monster
"Don't play what the public want. You play what you want and let the public pick up on what you doin' -- even if it take them fifteen, twenty years." (Thelonious Monk) | Meine Sendungen auf Radio StoneFM: gypsy goes jazz, #160: Barre Phillips (1934-2024) - 11.2., 22:00 | Slow Drive to South Africa, #8: tba | No Problem Saloon, #30: tba -
Schlagwörter: captain kidd überfordert, Matana Roberts
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