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mit bisher des beste was heujahr rauskam…
erinnert fast an die neue costello, so soundtechnisch. ansonsten beim ersthören eh weng viel pop. geht aber beim 2ten durchlauf. cool. coole texte.
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AnonymInaktivRegistriert seit: 01.01.1970
Beiträge: 0
aha, dann doch gekauft……
Für mich auch eine der besten Scheiben des Jahres – und tatsächlich nicht nur alphabetisch neben Costello einzusortieren. Insgesamt weniger verschroben und dafür (Brit-)poppiger mit netten Elektronikspielereien – aber textlich dieses Jahr bislang ungeschlagen!!!
Ich hatte bereits im altem Forum angemerkt, dass dies die Sommer-Platte des Jahres ist. Sicherlich seine beste Solo-CD. Gleich neben den Orange Juice-Alben „You can’t hide …“ und „Rip it up“ einordnen.
mit bisher des beste was heujahr rauskam…
erinnert fast an die neue costello, so soundtechnisch. ansonsten beim ersthören eh weng viel pop. geht aber beim 2ten durchlauf. cool. coole texte.
Soundtechnisch Costello finde ich ja nicht so. Edwyn Collins‘ Scheibe ist ja fast durchgängig programmiert! Bei Costello ist ja doch mehr so Band angesagt, wenn auch einige Samples sehr geschickt eingewoben werden.
Abgesehen davon habe ich die Collins jetzt zweimal gehört. „The Beatles“ und „Splitting Up“ gefielen mir bis jetzt am Besten.
Irgendwie muß ich wohl auch das Netz mal nach den Lyrics absuchen. Ich versteh‘ so erstmal nicht alles…
"I know a few groovy middle-aged people, but not many." Keith Richards 1966dran bleiben…
dran bleiben…
Auf jeden Fall… :D
"I know a few groovy middle-aged people, but not many." Keith Richards 1966…hat sicher eines – wenn nicht sogar das – der besten Lieder über die Beatles gemacht. Als alter Beatles-Fan bin ich sehr stolz auf ihn und auch der Rest ist absolut hörenswert, dann noch tolles Cover aber leider keine Texte…
"Don ́t sit down cause i ́ve moved your chair" (Artic Monkeys)Die Lyrics sind unter zu finden :)
…danke für den Tip!
Trotzdem würde ich es begrüßen, wenn die verehrten Plattenfirmen die beilegen würden.
"Don ́t sit down cause i ́ve moved your chair" (Artic Monkeys)cool, da gibts auch den beatles track zum freinen download..
nicht schlecht.
five to sevenDie Lyrics sind unter zu finden :)
Leider hat der Webmaster den neuesten Flash-Mist eingebaut und das Ding will sich bei mir nicht laden…
"I know a few groovy middle-aged people, but not many." Keith Richards 1966
AnonymInaktivRegistriert seit: 01.01.1970
Beiträge: 0
Seiten in Flash sind wirklich der reinste Horror, aber ich hatte mich schonmal durchgekämpft, daher…:
It’s a higher state of being
A different way of seeing
That I really can’t resist
It seems I’ve stolen every scene
From the carnival of dreams
And I’ve never felt like thisI’ve never felt like this
Never felt like this
Never felt like this
And ignorance is blissThere’s no point in reminiscing
Now I’ve found that something missing
In every stolen kiss
I was lost in introspection
I can tell you on reflection
That I’ve never felt like thisI’ve never felt like this
Never felt like this
Never felt like this
Never felt like thisWhat you are is a fallen star
Burning up on a bridge to far
What I am is an also ran
Getting by any way I canI can because I can
I can’t explain exactly how I feel
I only know that the feeling’s real
I’ve never felt like thisWhat you are is a falling star
I spent half the morning lying in bed
I should have quit while I was still ahead
Instead I stumbled out I took the air
I should have stayed home, should’ve washed my hairShould’ve done that
Should’ve, should’ve
Should’ve done thatThere is a bar whereI like to drink
I should’ve stopped as I passed the brink
There is a girl and she looks sublime
You should’ve guessed I wanna make her mineShould’ve done that
One little piggy had roast beef
Another little piggy had none
One little piggy went to market
That little piggy should’ve stayed at homeEach time I saw her my heart would melt
I should have told her ‚bout the way I felt
Instead I stumbled home, I took to bed
I have to quit while I’m still aheadShould’ve done that
I slept in the subway
Just for a ruse
No stars for company
Just a bottle of booze
See my lifestyle ain’t changed much
I just take more risks
That’s remarkably easy
When you’re remarkably pissedGood times, bad times
Talking blues and spinning rhymes
And this is where mine is at
This is where mine is at
Through strange times, deranged times
I’ve only taken what was mine
And this is where mine is at
This is where mine is atI moved to the country
Bought a rooster and hen
It’s just the drink talking
I’ve been at it again
See I love to bullshit
Though I’m more honest than most
As I write from my cottage
On the Derbyshire coastGood times, bad times
Talking blues and spinning rhymes
And this is where mine is at
This is where mine is at
Through strange times, deranged times
I’ve only taken what was mine
And this is where mine is at
This is where mine is atThe lies that I swallowed
Force fed as a child
A promise so hollow
My anger, my bile
Now my head is swimming
The heather’s on fire
The bottle’s been opened
But the genie’s expiredGood times, bad times
Talking blues and spinning rhymes
And this is where mine is at
This is where mine is at
Through strange times, deranged times
I’ve only taken what was mine
And this is where mine is at
This is where mine is at
This is where mine is coming from
This is where mine is atYOU’VE NO IDEA
Watching the world from the corner of your eye
You’re quite content to let life pass you by
You’re numb to everything and everyone
You’ve no idea
You’ve no ideaYou’re wondering about the meaning of within
You furrow your brow and then you scratch your chin
Night Falls
Yet still you stall
Confound it all
You’ve no idea
You’ve no ideaYou can’t buy into the underground
Not for all your dollars, your yens or your pounds
You see, I saw you coming
Your plan was bound to fail
Cos the devil’s in the detail
And the detail’s not for sale
The detail’s not for saleYou’ve no idea
let’s hear it for the first beatle
let’s hear it for the worst beatle
let’s hear it for the best beatle
the had to get it off his chest beatle
let’s hear it for the lost beatle
the art at any cost beatle
the beatle with the sense of taste beatle
who never learned to play his bass beatlelet’s hear it for the I me mine
speed and wine
the Reeperbaum or die
but the scorpio on the rise
was the cancer in disguiselet’s hear it for the fab beatles
the ones who drove the teens mad beatles
let’s hear it for the cute beatle
let’s hear for the fat beatle
let’s hear it for the quiet beatle
let’s hear it for the gauche beatle
let’s hear it for the beatle people
the rattling their jewels peopleI me mine
Brian Epstein
America or die
Did he trade the merchandise
For a slice of apple pie?let’s hear it for the fifth beatle
let’s hear it for the gay beatle
let’s hear it for the drugged beatle
the all you need is love beatles
and the love that fell apart beatles
and how they broke the nation’s heart, beatles
so let’s hear it for the new beatles
the really haven’t got a clue beatleslet’s hear it for the
I me mine
Alan Klein
a slice of apple pie
me myself and I
and a slice of apple pieI me mine
Alan Klein
a slice of apple pie
but the catcher in the rye
was the reaper in disguiseso sad about the dead beatle
I’ve been doing a power of thinking
The Good Ship Lollipop is sinking
But I’ve been having such a good time
Just watching from the shoreline
Call waiting on the telephone
Only problem being the phone is off the hook
And besides, there’s no-one homeAll except in the backrooom
I’m operating in a vacuum
I’m going back to the backroom
I’m operating in a vacuumRevolution on the South Bank
I poured poison in the think tank
Got out before the big crash
Caught the tail end of the whiplash
Reminiscing with the diehards
Uptight with the old guard
Saying out of the spotlight
Don’t get blinded by the spotlightI’m going back to the backroom
I’m operating in a vacuum
I’m going back to the backroom
I’m operating in a vacuumOn the Good Ship Lollipop
It’s a nice trip to the candy shop
But the key to your success
Was the key to your excess
Was the key to your success
Was the key to your excess
Going back to the backroom
I’m operating in a vacuumSPLITTING UP
To anyone who’s followed me
I offer my apologies
I’m splitting up
I can’t afford to compromise
With someone I don’t recognise
I’m splitting up
The idea first occurred to me
While shaving rather cautiously
Cos I bleed easily
My head is searating from my heart
I’m splitting upThe crocodiles will shed their tears
While other reptiles sneer and jeer
He’s splitting up
The notices, lest we forget
Are posted on the internet
He’s splitting up
I can’t say I went out in style
My differences unreconciled
Embittered to the end
Neither moving nor affecting
All I’m doing is disconnecting
I’m splitting upWhat’s it all about?
Haven’t got a clue
Only thing I know
It isn’t down to you
To decide these things
Still you carry on
Still you scream and shout
I know that it’s wrong
I haven’t got the clout
To deride these things
But if my hearthad wings…
I’d fly awayTo anyone who’s followed me
I offer my apologies
I’m splitting up
I’m feeling down
I’m feeling down
I’m splitting up
I’m feeling down
I’m feeling down
I’m splitting upJOHNNY TEARDROP
Now that you’ve broke your heart
How long before the teardrops start?
And ‚til those tears subside
You’d better find some place to hide
If you don’t wanna feel
Just make believe that nothing’s real
And if you don’t wanna cry
Just wait until those tears run dryOooh oooh oooh
Johnny Teardrop
Oooh oooh oooh
Johnny TeardropWhen you don’t wanna think
You pour yourself another drink
You make like you’re getting high
When really you’re just getting by
You say you don’t wana know
You make as if it’s time to go
You say you don’t wanna cry
Well wait until those tears run dryOooh oooh oooh
Johnny Teardrop
Oooh oooh oooh
Johnny Teardrop
It’s his tears that turn you on
Johnny Teardrop
It’s his tears that turn you on
Johnny Teardrop20 YEARS TOO LATE
Hello chaos my old friend
We finally got there in the end
I found a loophole in the law
I stumbled then I crawled through
Never frightened that that noose would tighten
I felt enlightened
My senses heightened
Yet all this time you’ve been inclined
To watch me from the sidelines
Miles from the frontline
Hoping that some sniper
Had picked off this magic piper
To shoot the messenger
That’s what’s obsessing yaYou only kick me when I’m down
When I get up you come around
You come around, you say I’m great
You’re only twenty years too lateWell where I lived
Don’t make no bones
Was several feet below a stone
Far from appalled
I was enthralled
The snake that slithered learned to crawl
Through the quagmire of my mislaid plans
That backfired
I felt enlightened
My senses heightened
You called me up
To wish me luck
To let me know this business sucks
Let’s change it
Let’s rearrange it
So why do I get the feeling
That there’s something you’re concealing?
That it’s a put on
You scratch your foot onYou only kick me when I’m down
When I get up you come around
You come around, you say I’m great
You’re only twenty years too lateDid I do something to make you hate me?
It’s funny how you thought you’d break meYou’re toolate
Too much
Too soon
How high
The moon
Too little
Too bad
That’s the breaksIT’S A FUNNY THING
It’s a funny thing
A funny phase I’m going through
As I drift through space
Nothing left to cling to
Don’t think me morose
I’ve always been a tryer
Now here’s what I propose
I gonna take you higherIt’s a funny thing
I’m wondering what tomorrow might bring
If it’s more of the same
I’ve on;y got myself to blame
That’s a funny thingIt’s a funny world
When you drift above it
An opalescent pearl
I could grow to love it
IfI fall from grace
Will I land upon my feet?
Now I’ve acquired a taste
The air up here seems oh so sweetAnd that’s a funny thing
I’m wondering what tomorrow might bring
If it’s more of the same
I’ve on;y got myself to blame
That’s a funny thing
It’s a funny thingDon’t think me morose
I’ve always been a tryer
Now here’s what I propose
I gonna take you higherIt’s a funny thing
Such a funny thingCALLING ON YOU
Showing out again
Like some famous flame
Showing off ahain
Lack of common sense
Your mind’s exploding
Cos life keeps loading on you
The sky is falling
The void is calling on youShooooh shooooh
Calling on youMoving out again
Packed some common sense
Hit the road again
To the bitter end
(and it never ends)
The road is calling
But life keeps stalling on you
The stars are falling
The void is calling on youShooooh shooooh
Calling on youPompous politician
Bug-eyed with conceit
Found a hole in purgatory
To practice his deceit
And how he duped the masses
Who held him in esteem
What he calls reality
For them is just a dreamWhat’s possessing you
What’s obsessing you
What’s obsessing you
Is possessing youI’m calling
I’m calling
Calling on you
I’m calling
I’m calling
Calling on you--
Sehr cool, NiteOwl, Besten Dank! :)
"I know a few groovy middle-aged people, but not many." Keith Richards 1966Hey ‚You’ve no idea‘ wäre doch DER Hit zur Popkomm gewesen… :lol:
"I know a few groovy middle-aged people, but not many." Keith Richards 1966 -
Schlagwörter: Dr. Syntax, Edwyn Collins
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