Die besten Smiths Lyrics

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  • #12299  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

    Beiträge: 0

    Hier nur eine kleine Auswahl:

    „I'd like to drop my trousers to the Queen
    Every sensible child will know what this means“
    (Nowhere Fast)

    „And if a ten-ton truck
    Kills the both of us
    To die by your side
    Well, the pleasure – the privilege is mine“
    (There Is A Light That Never Goes Out)

    „Keats and Yeats are on your side
    But you lose
    'Cause weird lover Wilde is on mine“
    (Cemetry Gates)

    „I said Charles, don't you ever crave
    To appear on the front of the Daily Mail
    Dressed in your Mother's bridal veil ?“
    (The Queen Is Dead)

    „Nothing's changed
    I still love you, oh, I still love you
    …Only slightly, only slightly less than I used to, my love“
    (Stop Me, If You Think You´ve Heard This One Before)

    „I've come to wish you an unhappy birthday
    I've come to wish you an unhappy birthday
    'Cause you're evil
    And you lie
    And if you should die
    I may feel slightly sad
    (But I won't cry)“
    (Unhappy Birthday)


    Highlights von Rolling-Stone.de
    #1790541  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 08.07.2002

    Beiträge: 4,779

    Oh Mann, die könnte man doch fast komplett hier rein kopieren…


    "I know a few groovy middle-aged people, but not many." Keith Richards 1966
    #1790543  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

    Beiträge: 0

    Stimmt schon…


    #1790545  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 07.01.2003

    Beiträge: 14,707

    Last night I dreamed
    That somebody loved me
    No hope no harm
    just another false alarm

    (Last Night I Dreamed That Somebody Loved Me)

    Does the body rule the mind
    or does the mind rule the body?
    I dunno

    (Still Ill)

    Will nature make a man of me yet?

    (This Charming Man)

    Ach, da gibt es so viele – unter anderem auch die von Dir gewählten, kramer. Ich hätte sie auch ausgesucht.


    Lately I've been seeing things / They look like they float at the back of my head room[/B] [/SIZE][/FONT]
    #1790547  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 15.01.2004

    Beiträge: 183

    Originally posted by kramer@13 Feb 2004, 11:03
    Hier nur eine kleine Auswahl:

    „And if a ten-ton truck
    Kills the both of us
    To die by your side
    Well, the pleasure – the privilege is mine“
    (There Is A Light That Never Goes Out)

    Die finde ich fast noch besser:

    And if a double decker bus
    Crashes into us
    To die by your side
    Such a heavenly Way to die


    #1790549  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 07.04.2004

    Beiträge: 3,150

    Ja, „There Is A Light That Never Goes Out“ ist schon ganz großes Kino, das stimmt. Ich glaube, jeder verliebte Siebzehnjährige weiß genau, was mit den Lyrics des Songs gemeint ist und kann sich damit 1:1 identifizieren (vorausgesetzt natürlich, er ist leicht melodramatisch veranlagt… aber waren wir das nicht alle in dem Alter? ;) ). Ich für meinen Teil liebe diesen Song jedenfalls heiß und innig – auch wenn ich heute, sechs Jahre später, froh drüber bin, daß das mit dem „to die by your side“ nicht geklappt hat. Wir (meine damalige Angebetete, mit der es, wie sollte es anders sein, damals nichts geworden ist und ich) haben den Zehn-Tonnen-LKW glücklicherweise verpaßt… Wo sie sich jetzt rumtreibt, kann ich nicht mit Sicherheit sagen, aber: If you see her, say hello. :lol: (Auch wenn das nicht von den Smiths ist.)


    „Kreuzberg ist so hart, dass sogar die Steine sagen: Wir sind zu weich für die Strasse. So hart ist Kreuzberg.“ (Catee)
    #1790551  | PERMALINK

    trouble loves me

    Registriert seit: 17.09.2003

    Beiträge: 6,830

    I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour
    But heaven knows I’m miserable now
    I was looking for a job, and then I found a job
    And heaven knows I’m miserable now

    In my life
    Why do I give valuable time
    To people who don’t care if I live or die?

    In my life
    Why do I smile
    At people who I’d much rather kick in the eye?

    (Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now)


    My favourite 45s and LPs of all time.
    #1790553  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 01.01.1970

    Beiträge: 0

    „Now I know how Joan of Arc felt
    As the flames rose to her roman nose
    And her Walkman started to melt“

    (Bigmouth Strikes Again)

    „To set my eyes on the blistering sight
    Of a vicar in a tutu
    He’s not strange
    He just wants to live his life this way“

    (Vicar In A Tutu)


    #1790555  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 26.12.2002

    Beiträge: 10,771

    „Re-issue ! Re-package ! Re-package !
    Re-evaluate the songs
    Double-pack with a photograph
    Extra Track (and a tacky badge)

    Best of Most of
    Satiate the need
    Slip them into different sleeves
    Buy both, and feel deceived“

    (Paint A Vulgar Picture)


    If you try acting sad, you'll only make me glad.  
    #1790557  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 14.12.2003

    Beiträge: 18,065

    was heisst „satiate“?


    #1790559  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 15.10.2003

    Beiträge: 76,900



    #1790561  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 26.11.2004

    Beiträge: 6,459


    Sebastian Frank“Re-issue ! Re-package ! Re-package !
    Re-evaluate the songs
    Double-pack with a photograph
    Extra Track (and a tacky badge)

    Best of Most of
    Satiate the need
    Slip them into different sleeves
    Buy both, and feel deceived“

    (Paint A Vulgar Picture)

    Prophetisch …


    Es gibt 2 Arten von Menschen: Die einen haben geladene Revolver, die anderen buddeln.
    #1790563  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 01.02.2006

    Beiträge: 1,048

    When you cycled by
    then began all my dreams
    the sadest sings i’ve ever seen
    and you never knew how much I really like you
    cause I never even told you
    oh but I ment to
    (Back To The Old House)

    Haven’t had a dream in a long time
    see, the life I’ve had
    can make a good man bad

    So for once in my life
    let me get what I want
    Lord knows it would be the first time
    Lord knows it would be the first time
    (Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want)

    I touched you at the soundcheck
    You had no real way of knowing
    In my heart I begged „Take me with you …
    I don’t care where you’re going…“

    But to you I was faceless
    I was fawning, I was boring
    Just a child from those ugly new houses
    Who could never begin to know


    I walked a pace behind you at the soundcheck
    You’re just the same as I am
    What makes most people feel happy
    Leads us headlong into harm

    So, in my bedroom in those ‚ugly new houses‘
    I danced my legs down to the knees
    But me and my ‚true love‘
    Will never meet again …
    (Paint A Vulgar Picture)


    Und ich liege im Bett und ich muss gestehen ich habe große Lust mich noch mal umzudrehn
    #1790565  | PERMALINK


    Registriert seit: 29.10.2006

    Beiträge: 712

    ‚Paint a Vulgar Picture‘ scheint hier eine beliebte Wahl zu sein – die Texte ist aber echt gut – besonders am Anfang:

    ‚At the record company meeting
    On their hands a dead star
    The sychophantic slags all say
    I knew him first and I knew him well‘

    ich mag auch :

    ‚The boy with the thorn in his side
    Behind the hatred there lies
    A murderous desire for love‘

    ich finde die Texte von ‚Reel Around the Fountain‘ auch sehr gut, zum Beispiel :

    ‚Fifteen minutes with you
    Oh, I wouldn’t say no
    Oh, people see no worth in you
    Oh, but I do.
    Fifteen minutes with you
    Oh, I wouldn’t say no
    Oh, people see no worth in you
    I do‘

    und :

    ‚I dreamt about you last night
    And I fell out of bed twice
    You can pin and mount me like a butterfly
    But „take me to the haven of your bed“
    Was something that you never said


    It's a nice day for weather.
    #1790567  | PERMALINK

    trouble loves me

    Registriert seit: 17.09.2003

    Beiträge: 6,830

    Was mich die letzten Tage sehr beschäftigt hat, sind die sogenannten „Moors Murders“, die Morrissey thematisch in „Suffer Little Children“ aufgreift. Ich habe einiges darüber gelesen, was dazu geführt hat, dass der Song nun noch bedrückender und beklemmender ist als er zuvor bereits gewesen ist. Morrissey war, als die Morde in Manchester verübt wurden, in etwa dem gleichen Alter wie die ermordeten fünf Jugendlichen. Dementsprechend hat es Ihn sehr beschäftigt und er hat seine Eindrücke auch in weiteren Songs verarbeitet. Oh Manchester, so much to answer for…

    foreverill.com/oz.netIn the 60’s, Myra Hindley and lover Ian Brady abducted and murdered several small children in and around Manchester. They buried several bodies on Saddleworth Moor, north of Manchester; when they were found out, the case became known as the Moors Murders. Steven Patrick Morrissey was the same age as several of the victims, like Lesley Anne Downey and John Kilbride. In interviews years later, he revealed the deep impression the murders had left on him as a child – a feeling of an intense malevolent spirit around Manchester that never really left him.
    This experience was to turn into the lyrics for this evocative and highly moving song, with surely the best lyrics on the first album. The image of the children’s ghosts clamouring to be buried in the Moors, their promise of retribution, and the stern reminder „Manchester, so much to answer for“ all add to the deep sadness of this tune, backed by Marr’s plaintive guitar parts.
    Months after the release of „The Smiths“, a relative of the murdered John Kilbride heard this song on a jukebox in a pub. Incensed by what he saw as a taking advantage of the murders, a chance hearing caused yet another scandal to hinder the rising career of The Smiths. After several communications from Morrissey himself, the relatives soon realised the sincerity of the song. In its early stages, this song was titled „Over The Moors“.
    This song was only played live once, at The Smiths‘ first gig, The Ritz, 4th October 1982.

    Bei Wikipedia gibt es einiges mehr an Informationen. Sehr beklemmend.

    Die Lyrics zu „Suffer Little Children“:

    foreverill.com/oz.netOver the moor, take me to the moor
    Dig a shallow grave
    And I’ll lay me down
    Over the moor, take me to the moor
    Dig a shallow grave
    And I’ll lay me down

    Lesley-Anne, with your pretty white beads
    Oh John, you’ll never be a man
    And you’ll never see your home again
    Oh Manchester, so much to answer for

    Edward, see those alluring lights ?
    Tonight will be your very last night

    A woman said : „I know my son is dead
    I’ll never rest my hands on his sacred head“

    Hindley wakes and Hindley says :
    Hindley wakes, Hindley wakes, Hindley wakes, and says :
    „Oh, wherever he has gone, I have gone“

    But fresh lilaced moorland fields
    Cannot hide the stolid stench of death
    Fresh lilaced moorland fields
    Cannot hide the stolid stench of death

    Hindley wakes and says :
    Hindley wakes, Hindley wakes, Hindley wakes, and says :
    „Oh, whatever he has done, I have done“

    But this is no easy ride
    For a child cries :

    „Oh, find me … find me, nothing more
    We are on a sullen misty moor
    We may be dead and we may be gone
    But we will be, we will be, we will be, right by your side
    Until the day you die
    This is no easy ride
    We will haunt you when you laugh
    Yes, you could say we’re a team
    You might sleep
    You might sleep
    You might sleep
    Oh, you might sleep
    You might sleep
    Oh Manchester, so much to answer for
    Oh Manchester, so much to answer for
    Oh, find me, find me !
    Find me !
    I’ll haunt you when you laugh
    Oh, I’ll haunt you when you laugh
    You might sleep
    Oh …
    Over the moors, I’m on the moor
    Oh, over the moor
    Oh, the child is on the moor


    My favourite 45s and LPs of all time.
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